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Sonia's POV- March 2019

I was about done with dinner when I got a text from Bobbi asking if there was enough for another person, to which I replied yes. Stella cooked Mondays, her roommate Jen cooked Tuesday, I cooked Wednesday, and our two other housemates Matt and Jake cooked Thursday and Friday. Bobbi cooked Saturday's and we ate out on Sundays. It honestly saved us money and time on this schedule and we always got to try yummy food. 

"Is this what I think it is?"

"And what do you think it is?" I asked my housemate, Jake.

"Chicken Enchiladas"

He was correct.

"My mouth is watering"

I laughed as he wrapped my arms around me. We turned to the front door as it opened.

"I'm home with company!"

To my surprise, Alex walked in behind Bobbi.

"Look who I bumped into on my way in"

His cheeks flushed.

"Belli mentioned that there was a room for rent"

Oh, cool.

"The one bedroom apartment a floor up?"

Alex looked at Jake and slowly nodded. 

"Cool, cool. I'm Jake by the way"


Jake gasped and squeezed me.

"Do you mind going to tell everyone that dinner is ready?" I asked him before he could speak.

"I can do that"

He kissed my forehead and made his way down the hallway.

"Dinner is ready! And Alex is here!"

I shook my head and smiled at Alex.

"You don't mind that I'm here?"

"Of course not," I said as I opened the oven.

Once I set the dish on the countertop, I made my way over to him.

"Was Clara civil with you?" I asked.

He nodded.

"Yeah, I think so? I've never actually had a full conversation with her until today"

He gave me a squeeze and a kiss on the cheek.

"What'd you make? It smells amazing"

"Chicken enchiladas" I replied.

"Can't wait to eat it"

I smiled.

"Do you need help setting the table?"

Bobbi was actually adding the extra seat and plate on the table.

"You can wash up," I told him.

He nodded and stepped around me to wash his hands. Just as he lathered his hands, Stella walked into the kitchen.

"Hey, Alex"

He glanced.

"Hey, Stella"

She smiled and stood next to me.

"We're not that identical, right?"

Before he could reply, Matt spoke up.

"Stella's hair is longer because she's got hair extensions"

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