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Sonia's POV- April 2019

I knew that my dad was not going to drop the idea of wanting to meet Alex, so I was not surprised when he called me during the week to tell me he'd gotten tickets to Saturday and Sunday's Dodger game against the Brewers. Alex was back in town, and we were actually going to meet up for lunch during the 45 minutes I had as a break. 

"Sonia, what time do you plan on taking your lunch?"

I turned my chair around and looked at my boss, Emilio.

"Right now" I replied.

He nodded and stretched out his hand. I closed the laptop on my desk and stood up to hand the laptop over.

"Did you bring sneakers?"

"Yes," I answered.

He glanced up at the clock.

"Okay, go eat and meet me in the parking lot at 2:15"

It was almost 1 PM.

"Take your stuff, we'll be at the site the rest of the day"

I nodded and grabbed my purse.

"Where are you getting lunch?"

"The Mexican restaurant around the corner" I responded.

"Bring me an horchata?"

"Of course" I answered.

"You've got the company credit card, right?"

"Yes, sir" I replied.

"Emilio, it's Emilio"

I smiled and stood up.

"I'll see you in a bit" I told him.

"Enjoy your lunch"

I made my way down to my car where I changed into my sneakers before making my way towards the Mexican restaurant. Alex was already seated, so I made my way over to him.

"Hey" I greeted.

He smiled and stood up. 


I accepted his hug and a peck on the lips before taking a seat across from him.

"You know, a goodbye kiss would have been nice"

I laughed and reached for the menu.

"I kissed your cheek," I told him.

"I wasn't awake through"

Turns out he's a heavy sleeper, and nothing (not even moving his arm) wakes him up. 

"You were comfortable" I defended.

"Thanks for letting me spend the night"

"No worries" I answered.

Turns out Clara tried to break into his apartment while he was in the shower. Thankfully, she was unable to do so because of the lock that his mom, sister, and I had installed. Yup, correct I hung out with the Verdugo ladies after they invited me for lunch after cornering me in the elevator on Monday. I had lunch with them on Tuesday and then helped them install that after I noticed there was literally no latch. I also helped them install a camera so he could see who was at the door (it's why we saw Clara tried to break in). He freaked out a bit, and he called asking if he could come over for a bit. It was almost time for bed, so I told him to just spend the night instead. 

"Should I bring this up to Cody?"

I shook my head.

"I do need that video though," I said.


I smiled.

"To show to her parents" I replied.

"I'll send it to you right now"

She had actually tried to break into our apartment on Tuesday, but thankfully we have a camera that sends us notifications. Before she could get in, Jake called and asked what she was doing. While he did that, Jen sent me a text and I asked Maria (Alex's sister) if she could do me a huge favor and check on Baggy. If that cat got lost, Bobbi would lose her mind.

"Thanks for hanging out with my mom and sister"

"No worries, they were fun to be around" I answered.

He smiled.

"Oh god, what did they show you?" 

I laughed.

"Nothing, I promise," I told him.

How do I bring it up?

"So my parents will be in town Saturday and Sunday" I mentioned.

"Oh, right the Brewers are in town"


"And I take it your dad still wants to meet me?"

I nodded.


There was no need for Alex to be a part of that huge family dinner after the game Saturday so,

"Sunday?" I suggested.

"What's going on Saturday?"

"Dinner with the Yelich family" I replied.

"Sunday it is"

I laughed and watched Alex scramble through the menu as the waiter approached us. We ordered our food and once the waiter was gone, I looked at Alex who was smiling at me.

"What?" I asked.

He lightly shrugged.

"You just look beautiful"

I rolled my eyes earning a cackle in return from him.

"You do, that bun really does something to me"

I couldn't help but laugh as he fanned himself while touching his chest with his other hand.

"You're so weird" I noted.

He chuckled.

"So do your parents like Christian?"

"They do now" I answered.

"They didn't like him before?"

I shook my head.

"I mean, they didn't like that he was a professional athlete" I stated.


"They don't mind it anymore" I explained.

Christian was Stella's first boyfriend, so they were just cautious. 

"Well now I'm terrified"

I waved him off.

"You'll be fine" I assured him.

With Christian and Stella, there was that age gap (4 years) that my dad could not accept. He also couldn't accept that they were in a long distance relationship. 

"It was just dad being overprotective," I told him.

He hated my college boyfriend too, so there's that. 

"Did he like the guys you dated?"

"Guy" I corrected.

I shook my head.

"But no he did not like him" I added.

"That assuring"

"Why?" I wondered

"I'm not even your boyfriend"

Oh, right.

"But you can be" I stated.

He smiled.

"I'm not going to ask now, it would be so unromantic"

A/N: How will he ask?

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