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Sonia's POV- May 2019

After two weeks, I was finally feeling like myself. Turns out there is a downside to living with people who study/work in the medical field. We all got the flu, and it hit us all hard. I was forced to miss out on the Padres Series, Cinco de Mayo celebrations, work, class, and Alex.

Graduation was next weekend, and the only thing keeping me from walking across the stage were a handful of finals discussion, administering a final exam, and taking three finals of my own. I may have been sick, but when I was not napping, I was catching up on the classes I had missed and studying for my final exams. To give a better visual, I was either seated on the couch in the living room or on in front of my desk in my room with tissue shoved into each nostril.

I spent all of today disinfecting the apartment, and my side of the room. All that was left of that horrible flu was a cough every single one of us had. After that, I made myself some chicken, veggie and rice soup while I watched the Dodger game. I had finished and enjoyed my soup and I was now putting away the food while Stella washed the pots and dishes, Matt dried what Stella was washing, Jake put away dishes, and Jen wiped the counter and table clean.

"Nia, it's Alex"

I took my phone from Bobbi who went back to the room to study. She wasn't in the kitchen because she was folding her laundry.

"Hey" I greeted.

He smiled.

"You all look and sound much better"

"We all feel better" I noted.

I took a seat on the couch.

"You should come over," I said.

Alex chuckled.

"I was literally about to ask you if I could come over"

"It smells lemony fresh" I informed him.

"Very disinfected then"


"I'll be over soon"

"Drive safe," I told him.

"Will do, bye"

I smiled and waved as I ended the call.

"You should comb your hair or at least change"

I laughed.

"Thanks," I said before standing up.

Once I was in my room, I combed my hair and pulled it into a ponytail, then changed into my pjs. I climbed up on my bed and was scrolling through my phone until I heard a light knock. Bobbi was finally done putting away her laundry, so she was closer to the door.

"Hey! Come on in"

Alex gave Bobbi a light hug before walking into the room.

"Get up because I want to give you a big hug"

I laughed and went to climb out of bed, but he made it to the bed before I climbed off so he embraced me there.

"I missed you"

He kissed my cheek and squeezed me.

"You talked to me every night" I pointed out.

"It's not the same"

He pressed his nose against my cheek and took a deep breath.

"Did you...smell her?"

Alex laughed at Bobbi's question before replying,


I smiled as he pressed his lips against mine.

"If you missed her this much, how are you going to handle this next roadtrip?"

Alex groaned.

"Don't remind me"

He'd be away on an 8 game roadtrip.

"Did you change your shampoo?"

I shook my head as he let go of me.

"You smell different"

What did I use different?"

"Oh, I used a different leave in conditioner" I answered.

Mines had run out, so I used a bit of Bobbi's.

"Hungry?" I asked.

"I could eat"

"I made some chicken, veggies and rice soup," I said as I got out of bed.

"Lead the way"

Stella was the only one left in the living room/dining room area.

"Bowl of soup is on the counter"

She tucked a water bottle and mineral water under her arm and grabbed a bag of popcorn.

"Thanks, I see everyone's appetite is back"

Stella nodded.

"It is, I'll leave you two alone I need to go study"

He took a seat, and as he ate, I filled myself up a glass of water.

"My parents get here tomorrow"

"What time?" I asked as I took a seat across from him.

"Tomorrow afternoon"

I nodded.

"What time are you done with that final exam review?"

It started at 8 PM.

"It should wrap up by 10:30" I admitted.

Trust me, I did not want to be on campus this late but I had missed class and canceled discussion section on my students this week because I was sick. The reason why it was tomorrow night instead of during the weekend was that I had a final exam on Monday at 8 AM. It was also Mother's day on Sunday, so there was that.

"I know you will be drained by then, but it would be nice if you could make it"

I normally never turned down Alex's requests.

"I've actually got a final review at 10 AM the following day" I disclosed.

He smiled.

"Say no more, you're busy"


"Your family will make it to Sunday's game though, right?"

"Yes," I confirmed.

They would be meeting Alex's parents.

"And we're all getting dinner after?"

"Yes, my dad made the reservations" I answered.

"Do you know where we're going?"

"I have no clue" I admitted.

"That should be fun, right?"

I nodded.

"It sucks your siblings can't make it" I noted.

"Yeah, mom is bummed over that too"

He sat up.

"This is really good"

I smiled.

"Glad you think so," I told him before taking a sip of my water.

Once he was done eating, we watched a movie on the couch. Alex was exhausted, so he quickly fell asleep.

"Hey," I said nudging him awake.

He hummed.

"Let's go to my room, you're tired," I said.

"I'm not dressed for bed"

"You can sleep in just boxers, Bobbi won't mind" I stated.

It's not like she was looking under blankets.

"If you insist"

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