Twenty Eight

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Sonia's POV- June 2019

Stella had some work-related matters to deal with, so I decided to explore Milwaukee on my own. Much to my surprise, I found Christian seated on the couch staring straight ahead.

"Careful there, you might hurt yourself" I joked.

He blinked and looked at me.

"Whatcha overthinking about?" I wondered.

When he said nothing, I decided to change the subject. 

"I figured you'd be at practice," I said.

"It was optional"

He could speak!

"My back's been bothering me a bit, so I decided to sleep in a bit"

Well, that made sense.

"Uh, Stella left some breakfast made for us"

His eyes darted to my purse.

"I was hoping we could eat together...unless you have plans"

"No plans just wanted to explore," I said.

He slowly nodded.

"What'd she make?" I wondered.

"We're about to find out"

As the stuffed french toast heated up, Christian's phone chimed. 

"Yes, I took my lactose pill" I disclosed.

A smile appeared on his face.

"Don't shoot the messenger"

I rolled my eyes earning a chuckle from him. 


"Is it already made?" I wondered.

"Yeah, which is why I'm offering it"

I laughed and reached for my phone when it chimed.

"I'll take the coffee," I told him.

He filled up a mug with coffee and a cup of orange juice for himself.


It was, in fact, a text from Alex,

Morning, talk later?

Which I replied,

Yes, call me either before the game or after.

"Yeah" I answered.

Christian placed a plate in front of me and proceeded to sit across from me as he waited for his food to heat up.

"My mom said he seems like a good kid"

His mom had actually met Alex at the Graduation party, and so had the rest of his family.

"What does your dad think about him?"

"He tolerates him" I replied.

"Well that's good, he straight up despised me when I met him"

"He approves of you now" I stated.

He smiled.

"It only took a handful of years"


"So your dude's got moves"

Alex could dance.

"He's got rhythm" I confirmed.

"Well I'm glad you have someone"

It sure took a while.

"You met him during Spring Training, right?"

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