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Sonia's POV- April 2019

"You can both make it to dinner, right?"

I glanced up from my phone just as Bobbi replied.


"Will Alex be joining us?"

I laughed.

"No" I answered.

Stella smiled.

"Dad is getting his way, but on my terms. He will be meeting Alex tomorrow" I responded.


She took her seatbelt.

"Are you two coming inside?"

"Not yet, Alex told me to send him a text once I was parked" I stated.

"Okay, well I'm going to go inside. I'll see you after the game"

Once she was gone, I glanced up at the rearview mirror to see Bobbi pulling her hair up in a ponytail.

"So why can't we go inside?"

My phone chimed.

"Alex has something for me that he doesn't want me lugging around" I replied.

"It's probably like a bouquet of peonies or roses"

I opened the car door when I read the text from Alex telling me he was on his way.

"I'll stay in the car, give you two some privacy"

"He knows you came with me" I reminded her.

"Go away"

I didn't shut off the car because then she wouldn't have AC in there. It also canceled out some of the noise so she wouldn't be able to hear much. She was right about being peonies or roses, but it was not a bouquet...but a peony tree.


He set the pot on the floor and leaned in to give me a kiss.

"What's with the tree?" I asked.

"You don't like it?"

"I do, I just wasn't expecting it" I replied.

He smiled.


I laughed as he pulled me into a hug.

"You have a balcony, and well nothing on it so I thought"

How sweet of him.

"Thank you, it's beautiful" I told him.

"Glad you think so"

He looked around.

"She's in the car" I said.

"Oh, well I brought her something too"

That was when I noticed he had two gift bags.

"But you can open yours first"

"The tree was enough, Alex" I told him.


I took the gift bag from him and peaked inside.

"I brought you your bobblehead, but ignore that"

 As I pulled the jersey out, a small box fell out

"Open that first"

He picked up the box and handed it over to me. I took the box from him and slowly opened it. Inside the box was a bar necklace with an A engraved on it. On the box it said, BE MY GIRLFRIEND?

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