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Sonia's POV- December 2019

Everything was perfect until it wasn't...

I woke up with a sudden jolt and shifted at the discomfort in my lower half.

"Alex" I mumbled reaching over and swatting his chest.


He pressed his nose against my shoulder before his body went rigid.

"The bed is wet"

He bolted up,

"Sonia, why is the bed wet"

He scrambled out of bed, trying his best to untangle himself from the blankets. 

"I'm stuck"

"Somethings wrong" I muttered as he fell with a thud to the floor.

I closed my eyes as he turned on the light.

"Oh my god"

I gasped as I felt a sharp pain in my abdomen. Alex scampered out of the room, as he shouted,

"B-Bobbi! Help! Somethings wrong!"

I tried to sit up but felt incredibly light headed, but I did feel the wetness Alex was referring to. Why was my bed wet? Lifting my hand, I gasped as I stared at my blood covered hand.


I looked up to see Bobbi hovering over me.

"Hey, hey everything is going to be okay"

She turned to Alex.

"Call 9-1-1 and ask for their ETA"

I gulped as I felt her two fingers press against my neck.

"Are you dizzy?"

"Yes" I mumbled.

"Hey now, lets keep those pretty blues open"

"It hurts" I whimpered.

The wetness was coming from between my legs.

"You're going to be okay"

"The baby" I slurred out.

"The doctors will do all they can, Sonia"

I gripped onto her hand as I sobbed.

"Shhhh, you need to relax. I got you, Nia. I won't let anything happen"

She squeezed my blood stained hand.

"Deep breath in, now let it out"

I did as told and blinked when everything started getting blurry.

"Somethings wrong" I repeated.

I gasped as I felt another sharp jab against my stomach.

"Alex" I called out.

I was down right terrified.

"They can get here in 10"

Bobbi huffed,

"Hospital is 10 minutes away"

She sighed,

"Alex, can you pick her up"

It got painfully quiet,

"What's going on here? It's 3 AM"

Carol gasped,

"Oh my god"

Bobbi shushed her,

"Alex, I need you to pick her up"

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