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Sonia's POV- April 2019

I slowly sat up being extra careful not to wake Alex up who was fast asleep next to me. After the house warming get-together, Bobbi and I convinced him to change into something comfortable (like his PJs) and come watch TV with us in our room. It was a bit past 9:30 when we started watching Station 19. It was an interesting show, but exhaustion got the better of Alex because he shifted on his side an episode in. I could have technically woken him up but looked content, so I just covered him up with my blanket.

Once I was out of bed, I grabbed my phone and made my way out of the room and to the bathroom where I did my morning routine. Bobbi, Jake, Matt, and Jen were all up already and were either done eating or nearly done with breakfast when I walked into the kitchen. Stella did not have class until much later, so she was most likely asleep.

"Ready to go Bobs?"

Bobbi poured some kibble into Baggy's bowl before rushing over to the living room to grab her backpack

"See you all later!"

Jake held the door open for Bobbi and closed it once they were both out.

"You look well rested, Sonia"

I looked at Matt who wiggled his eyebrows. Jen giggle as she took a sip of her tea.

"Bobbi mentioned that Alex slept over last night"

I nodded and opened the fridge door to retrieve everything I needed for an omelet.

"He did" I confirmed.

I chose to ignore the eyebrow wiggled I got in return and instead made myself a rather large omelet.

"Did one of you really eat flan for breakfast?" I wondered as I took a seat.

Jen smiled as I unlocked my phone to check my email, something I did every morning during breakfast.

"I had it after I had my omelet"

Of course, she did.

"What time are you going to the grocery store?"

"My class got canceled, so I'll go like at noon" I answered.

She nodded.

"I'll send you the list during my break"

I gave her a nod in return before accepting the slice of toast Matt handed me.

"So I take it you're going back to bed"

That's exactly what I was doing.

"Must be nice"

He cleared his throat.

"Morning, Alex"

I thought he was fucking with me, but to my surprise, a voice responded.


"Do you want an omelet?" I asked.

"Uh, I'm fine you'll be late for class"

Matt chuckled.

"Class got canceled" I informed him as Jen and Matt made their way out.

"Oh, uh I can make myself something you're eating"

"It's fine" I assured him.

I made him a rather large omelet with lots of veggies and cheese.

"Thank you"

I placed a plate of toast in front of him.

"Is coffee fine?" I asked.


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