Twenty Nine

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Sonia's POV- June 2019

The smile on Maria, Alex's sister's face dropped and her eyes got wide as she got a good look at me once I fully opened the door.

"Oh my god, are you okay?"

I had woken up with most of my body (face included) covered in hives.

"Do you need to go to the hospital?"

"Bobbi is actually at the pharmacy getting a refill of my steroid cream," I told her.

"So this is normal?"

I mean, I was not surprised when I noticed the hives on me this morning. To be honest, I was glad it had happened after my exam, not before because it would have been a huge distraction.

"Kinda, I've been under a lot of stress lately" I replied.

You got your results back right after you submitted the exam. It was hard to distinguish whether you had passed or failed because I'm sure everyone left that room in tears.

"Alex isn't causing that stress, right?"

I shook my head as Alex asked,

"Did you get your results back?"

"I passed" I revealed.

And unfortunately, I would be unable to celebrate because I had to take medication.


Alex smiled as his sister slowly wrapped her arms around me.

"You gotta ask, or we'll be late"

Maria rolled her eyes as she let go of me.

"Sonia, do you want to come with Alex to drop me off?"


"I'm still in my pjs" I stated.

"Some very pretty jammies if I may say"

It was a matching set that Stella had actually gotten me for Christmas.

"I can change real quick," I said.

I stepped back.

"We'll meet you downstairs? This one was only here for a couple of days, yet has 2 suitcases"

Alex stepped in between Maria and me and proceeded to grin down at me.

"Good morning"

"Morning" I greeted back.

He leaned down and gave me a quick peck. 

"Take your time"

It took me about 10 minutes to get ready. Alex had not let Maria sit next to him, so I took a seat next to him.

"Want to get something to eat after?"

I looked at Alex and smiled.

"Bobbi was actually hoping I could get breakfast with her" I said.

"She can join us, you know I don't mind"

"Let me text her," I told him as I pulled my phone out.

He drove with one hand and held my hand with the other the entire drive to the airport. The conversation was kept to a minimal since Maria was on the phone most of the time. At the airport, I stepped out of the car to hug Maria goodbye. 

"It's nice to know he's not alone over here. Baseball is his life, but it also stresses him out and I feel content with the thought that you'll be there if it gets rough"

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