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Alex's POV- April 2019

I glanced up at the rearview mirror as I heard a sigh come from Barbara as Stella sniffled.

"Will you stop crying?"

I looked at Sonia who smiled and covered her face with one of her hands.

"You'll see him soon, it's not the end of the world, Stella"

Stella's boyfriend, Christian (Yelich) had been in LA for the past week since the Brewers played the Angels and then the Dodgers.

"He asked me to move in with him"

That's the problem?

"And you don't want to move to Milwaukee?"

"I do"


"But I got a job offer here"


"And I haven't heard back from that hospital in Milwaukee"

Sonia spoke up,

"Just give it time, we're not even done with school"

They still had about a month left.

"So what did you tell him?"

Yeah, what did she tell him?

"That I needed to think about it"

If he thinks as I do, I would think that the relationship was failing.

"He probably thinks you're going to break up with him"

See, I'm not the only one who thinks that.

"Alex, you're a guy"

"I am" I confirmed.

"What would you think if you asked your girlfriend to move in with you, but she gave you that response"


"Well," I started.

I glanced at Stella from the rearview mirror.

"I'd think you were going to break up with me" I admitted.


"I've personally never been in a serious long distance relationship, but I've watched guys ask their girlfriends to move in with them that get the I'll think about it usually break up," I said.

I instantly regretted saying that when her eyes widened.

"Just let him know what you got going on, and well he should understand you" I explained.

"I should text him then"

As she did that, I pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant where Sonia and Stella's parents were waiting for us inside.

"Wait!" I said as they all went to open their own door.


"Give me one second," I told them.

I scrambled out of the car and opened the door closest to me, which happened to be Barbara's.

"You fucking dork"

I went around and opened both doors.

"What a gentleman"

Once they were out of the car, and all the doors were closed, I locked the car.


I looked at Stella.

"That obvious?" I wondered.

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