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Sonia's POV- September 2019

"What a pleasant surprise"

I grinned at Nora as I approached her.

"You're showing!" I gasped out.

She giggled,

"Well I am a little over 4 months"

Her little bump was very subtle.

"How does it feel to have Alex back in town?"


"We're honestly not doing well" I admitted.

She frowned,

"I'm sure it will all work itself out"

It would not, Alex had made it clear he did not think I should take the promotion. Lunch was awkward as hell because as much as I tried to change the topic, Alex brought it back to his belief that there was no reason for me to move to Boston.

"I can talk to him"

I shook my head,

"I think I've made up my decision" I said.

And I hoped Alex would respect it.

"How's your sister?"

"Dealing with a moody Christian" I replied.

He took a pitch to the knee and was out for the remainder of the season with a broken knee cap.

"There's a bit of discomfort so he just has to take it easy" I told her.

"Is he rehabbing over there or how is that going to work?"

"I think the plan is that they're staying there most of the offseason, but the'll be home for the holidays" I stated.

She nodded.

"Where are you sitting?" I asked.

She grimaced

"I'm going to play if safe and hang back in the family room"

"What's wrong?" I wondered.

"The smell of garlic fries make me nauseous"

I scrunched up my nose because girl, same.

"Yeah, that smell is everywhere" I said.

She laughed,

"Alex mentioned that Chris took in a rookie" I brought up,

"Yes, Gavin"

"Cody moved out" I noted.

"Yeah, his mom confined him to get a place"

Did she,

"Oh, so you didn't ask him to move out?" I questioned.

She shook her head.


"He just made it seem to Carol that you and Chris had asked for space" I mentioned.

She frowned,

"I didn't ask him to move out, he did that all on his own"

"I figured" I stated.

I pursed my lips.

"He brought up the idea of partial custody, and Carol shut it down" I disclosed.

"Well I mean it makes sense. Drew doesn't know him very well"

"This has his mom written all over" I noted.

I shrugged,

"If he wants to play the athlete card, she can very well use government employee" I added.

She sighed,

"Anyways, I should go. Even though Alex isn't playing, his family is waiting for me" I told her.

We hugged one more time.

"Bye" I called out.


A wave of nausea hit me when I made it to the concession stands. Nora was right, the smell of garlic fries was everywhere and unfortunately the smell upset my stomach so bad that I had to make a bee line to the nearest trash can. I threw up, and then made my way to the bathroom to rinse my mouth and touch myself up. Taking a deep breath, I looked at myself in the mirror and touched the necklace I was wearing, the one with Alex's initial. I took it off and slipped it into my pocket before popping two mints into my mouth and making my way to sit with Alex's family.

"You're here!"

"Hey" I greeted them.

In the end, the Dodgers beat the Rays, 7-5. I followed Alex's family to the family room and took a seat.

"You okay?"

I looked at Maria and nodded.

"Yeah, I just haven't been feeling well the last couple of days" I told her.

She grinned and in a teasing voice,

"You and Alex wear protection, right?"

I laughed, but at the same time began to count back the last time I had my period. 

"Speaking of"

His family started talking about dinner, but I had to turn down the offer.

"I have a meeting before my shift tomorrow" I said.

Alex looked at me,

"Can we talk?" I asked.

He nodded,

"Yeah, come on"

I waved at Alex's family before following him to a room.

"I'm sorry"

"For?" I questioned.

Alex tiredly ran his hand against his cheek.

"Sonia, you don't need to work"

I crossed my arms as he continued,

"I can take care of you"

I laughed and shook my head.

"Unbelievable" I mumbled.

I pursed my lips as I looked at him.

"I love you, Alex" I confessed

He smiled.

"But this is a great opportunity for my career which is why I'm moving to Boston" I added.

He stared at me stunned.


"With or without your support, I'm moving to Boston" I rephrased.


I dug my hand into my pocket and pulled out the necklace.

"What are you doing?"

"Have a nice life, Alex" I told him before placing the necklace in his hand.


He was cut off by his name being called out,

"Locker room, now!"

"You should get to that" I said before turning around and making my way to my car.

I passed a lot of his teammates' significant others, and offered them a smile and a 'hello' as I got the hell out of there. Once I was in my car, I quickly turned on the car and made my way out of the parking lot. While waiting in traffic, my shaky hand reached over and dialed Bobbi.


"Bobs, I think I messed up" I sobbed out.

"What do you mean?"

I covered my mouth.

"I'm late" I told her.

And I'm pretty sure I just broke up with Alex.

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