Chapter 5:

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Before I knew it I was in the water. 

Once I pulled my head out of the water I gasped for air. I wiped some water from my eyes then opened them to see the rest of the gang pulling off there shoes, shirts, pants and jackets then jumping into the water beside me. 

Once everyone jumped in I took off my drenched shirt, drenched jean shorts and my drenched converses and threw them on the grass. 

"Time for the bathing suit now" Two joked. I splashed some water in his face and swam over to him. I dunked his head under the water. "Is that all you can do?" Two says as he sticks his tongue out at me. 

I gave him a smirk as I bent down in the water to pick up some mud. I got a good handful and rubbed it in his hair before he could have time to react. 

The gang started to laugh and tease Two. When he cleared the mud from his eyes and looked up at me I stuck my tongue out at him in a mocking manor. 

We spent the next ten minutes playing in the water. We all had chicken fights Darry and I were a team. We won of course. "Do you guys want to go get ice cream?" I ask drying off my hair with a towel. "Not if your going" Dallas says as he finishes putting on his shirt.

"Whats your problem with me?" I ask turning to face him. "trust me doll you don't want to hear it." he says rolling his eyes "oh really?" I ask crossing my arms. 

Dallas takes in a deep breath "all you are is a stuck up city girl who gets whatever you want" he says loudly. The whole gang shuts up and stops what they're doing to look over at Dallas and I. 

"And your just a hurt little bitch who is constantly feeling sorry for yourself" I say muffled so he could hardly hear it "what was that?" he said stepping closer towards me. 

I gathered every inch of bravery I had "I said your just a hurt little bitch who is constantly feeling sorry for yourself!" I yell balling my fists up and digging my nails deep in my skin.

I looked him dead in the eye "so how about you stop being a dramatic teenage girl and stop hating every person who walks by" I add. I turn around and pick up my bag off the ground swinging the straps on my shoulders. 

"I'm going to go get ice cream. You don't have to come if your head is still shoved up your ass" I say walking out of the trail.

I walk a few steps till I hear footsteps coming up from behind me. I quickly turn around to see the gang (besides Dally) running up from behind me.

I stood still till I see Two getting really close to me. My eyes widen as he trips on a root sticking out of the ground. His eyes close tight shut as he falls forward and lands face first on the hard ground centimeters past my body. 

His body bounces in the air and continues to drag along the pathway until his head hit another root sticking out of the ground.

The gang bursts out laughing and Pony falls to his knees tears almost coming out of his scrunched up eyes. I chuckle to myself and get on my knees to get leveled with him.

I heard his muffle moaning as I tried to help him up. As I stood him up his entire front body was covered in dirt and grass stains. I look up at his face to see it covered in dirt and blood. Both his nostrils were bleeding and he had a couple scratches on his cheeks and forehead.

I tried dusting him off a bit but it didn't quite help. "You dove face first into the ground as if it were a chocolate cake!" I said trying to hold in my laughter. 

"If only it were a chocolate cake" he said threw groans as he places a hand up to his bloody forehead. 

"Don't worry Two. Gracie will kiss it better" Steve says in a playful voice. Two looked up at me "really Gracie? You would kind enough to do that?" Two asked in a pleading voice. I gave him a big smile "no. Your outta luck" I say batting my eyelashes.

"darn" Two said with a fake pouty face. I saw Dallas getting closer to us from the corner of my eye. He looked pissed. His hands were in his jacket pockets, and it looked like he was muttering words to himself.

"Dal! You missed it! Two fell and landed face first on the ground!' Johnny yells "what else do you expect from Two?" Dallas yells back giving Johnny a slight smile. Johnny smiles back and stops in his tracks to wait for Dallas.

We arrived at Dairy Queen full of the need for ice cream. We all raced each other to get to the front of the line. Pony won, and again I came second. Darry was behind me and Dallas behind him. Surprisingly he came.

Pony finished ordering his banana split, so it was my turn to order. "I'll have a hot fudge sundae please" I say getting the change out of my pocket. The girl working the counter put it into the cash register "is that everything?" she asked bored. I nodded my head "yeah."

She looked up from the cash register and eyed me up and down "you look like you could use four more hot fudge sundaes. Look at you. Your so tiny" she says giggling.

I looked down at my body. I was quite slim. I mean I had a butt and boobs, but my arms and legs were basically like twigs (but you can tell there is muscle). My stomach was also really flat. 

"Well. I mean I guess a lucky gal like you who gets to hang around with all the hot boys has to watch her diet" she says snarky. "No. I just have a fast metabolism" I say handing her the change "now if you stop her blabbering I'll take my hot fudge sundae" I say annoyed. I was often a nice person, but when someone spoke about my body I just got annoyed and defensive.

The girl who's name tag read "Megan" rolled her eyes "that will be 20 cents" she said. I gave her my money and walked out of line so Darry could order.

By the time the rest of the gang order Pony and I were finished our ice cream. They walked me to my house. I was standing by my fence about to open it when Soda spoke up "do you mind if we meet your folks? I'm sure they will want to know who keeps stealing you from them every day" he chuckles.

I froze. "ugh..." I say turning around to face them. They all gave me a strange look "as much as I want you guys to meet em. I think their a little busy with getting the house set up still," I say as casual as possible.

Either I'm a really good liar or the gang is really gullible because their faces straighten out from their confused state and returned to normal "oh ya. We spent so much time together I forgot that your still kinda new here" Soda says with his charming smile.

I saw Dallas from the corner of my eye. I took my gaze off of Soda and looked at him. He was staring at me. His eyes were squinted as if he were thinking. I locked eyes with him. He looked at me as if he knew I were lying about my parents. 

I quickly took my eye sight off of his cold visage and turned my back towards the gang. I opened my gate and turned back around to shut it. 

"Bye guys! See you tomorrow!" I yell happily waving goodbye as I slowly shut the door while watching the rest of the gang (besides Dallas) wave goodbye. 

I sigh in relief as I shut the gate. I'm going to have to tell them. They deserve to know, and I can't keep lying to them. Besides if I don't tell them they're going to find out eventually.   

With that burden on my shoulders I walk slowly to the front of my door. I open it and the smell of chicken fingers fill the room. 

"Oh hey Gracie. I hope you don't mind, but I didn't have much time to prepare something for dinner so I made chicken fingers and fries. Is that ok dear?" she asks me. "Yes G it's perfect thank you" I say giving her a hug.

I eat my dinner at the table with her while we talk about what I did that day (the normal routine). I then cleaned my dishes and got ready for bed. 

I lay comfy in bed thinking back on to how Dallas looked at me when I lied about my parents. It's almost as if he knows I'm not telling the truth. As if he knows I'm hiding something from them although I don't know for sure.

But. One thing I do know for sure. Dallas Winston is one confusing human being.

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