Chapter 29:

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I suddenly felt a whole new feeling overcome my entire body, a feeling of want... need. I felt my heart pace quicken as Dally slowly leaned in for the kiss.

Our lips were soon connected. The warmth from his lips made me crave more, I found myself deepening the kiss.

Dally slid his tongue along my bottom lip asking for entrance, I parted my mouth slightly and let him explore my mouth with his tongue, trying to discover all spots.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and brought him closer to me, his hard chest pressed up against my breasts.

We pulled away from the kiss momentarily to take a breather never losing each others sight.

Dallas was searching for something to say, but to save him the pain I pulled him in for another kiss.

*Warning sexual scenes ahead read at your own risk*

Dally adjusted him self so that he was more over top of me and slowly grinded his hips into mine. The pressure made me let out a soft moan. Embarrassed I quickly moved my hands to my mouth. 

He took his hand and moved mine from my mouth "I like it," he says with a grin before leaning into the kiss again. 

Wanting to take a spot on top I flipped myself so that I was the one who was now on top. I went to go connect my lips with his before I was flipped back to the bottom. 

I might not have been in Tulsa for as long as the others, but I heard about Dallas Winston and how dominant he was, and I knew that I was going to have to fight to be on top even for a minute.

We parted for a second to take a break and I looked him in the eye "we shouldn't be doing this" I say in between breaths. Dally's eyes changed for a second before slowly crawling off of me "yeah your probably right," he says huskily. I quickly pulled him back to me "but that doesn't mean I don't want to do it," I say before pulling him back into a kiss. I felt him smile in the kiss and I bit his lip gently and flipped him so that I was the one on top again. Before he had time to flip me back I connected our lips and slowly moved my hips back and forth on his now growing bulge.

I moved my hands through his soft hair and gently tugged at it.

My time on top was over and soon enough I was being pinned in between the bed and Dallas Winston.

He kissed my lips then moved his mouth to my neck leaving small love bites in places. Taking notes I flipped him back over and started moving my mouth along his jawline and to his neck leaving my own love bites on him "feisty" he says before finally flipping me over again.

He moved his hands underneath my shirt and found the clasp of my bra. Before unhooking it he looked up at me "you sure you want to do this?" he says, "yes," I say looking him in the eye.

I heard a click and my bra was unclasped and the tight feeling around my breasts was gone replaced with Dally's hands on them, massaging them through the shirt.

I grabbed the hem of his shirt and lifted it off. Dally lifted his arms up so that I could slide the shirt over his head.

I stopped to take in the view. I've seen Dallas shirtless before, but this felt so different.

Dally smirked realizing that I was staring and interrupted me by connecting out lips together.

I brought my hands back to his neck pulling him closer to me. Dally moved his hands to the button of my pants and unbuttoned the button and unzipped the zipper.

With one hand he started to pull my pants off while the other was still placed on my breast. I helped quick my pants off. When they were fully off I felt the cold air nip at my bare skin as I lay there almost naked in front of Dally.

He takes a minute to admire me "you are so beautiful" he says before connecting are lips back together. I wrapped my legs around his hip trying desperately to get friction.

Dally slid off my shirt leaving my breasts exposed. My face instantly heats up and I can feel his burning stare on me.

Without even bringing our lips together he removed my underwear leaving me completely exposed on my bed.  

I sat up a bit to reach Dallas lips with mine and moved my shaky hands to his button. I unbuttoned his button and slowly brought his pants down. When they were fully off all that was left were his boxers.

I moved my hands to the hem of his boxers and slid them down. 

Soon the boxers were off and he was just as exposed as I am. I didn't know what to do from her so I just kissed him again trying to get my thoughts together.

When we pulled apart Dally got on his knees. Knowing what he wanted me to do I took a deep breath and grasped his member.

It was bigger than I thought it was going to be. It was hard and staring me down. Before stalling any longer and having him think something was off I took his whole length inside of my mouth.

He let out a little groan as I bobbed my head up and down. I played with his tip using my tongue and moved my hand up and down with my mouth.

When I pulled out of his mouth to swallow the saliva that had built up in my mouth I was pinned down to the bed. 

Dallas was on top of me again and his hands were getting himself comfortable.

Before I had time to think a finger was inside of me. I let out another soft moan from the new feeling that drove me insane. He started pumping in and out with his one finger curling them a bit.

He then slid his finger out of me and lined himself up with me "you ready?" he says. I couldn't find the words to speak, but I managed to get out a faint "yes," and with that he was pushing himself inside of me.

It hurt like hell and every bit of me wanted to yelp in pain, but instead I covered it up and just dug my nails into his back.

He slowly pumped in and out of me the pain soon fading and getting more pleasurable.  

I started letting out more soft moans. When I thought it couldn't get any better Dally went faster and I was almost shaking "Dally..." I say softly. Dally was letting out more quiet grunts as he pushed deeper with each thrust. My moans kept getting louder with each thrust and soon my legs were shaking "Dally!" I yell as I feel myself hit my high.

Dally let out one last grunt before pulling out and flopping down beside me. Both of us were sweaty and out of breath.

We were both really tired and we fell asleep in each others arms.

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