Chapter 42:

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*A week later*

I was sitting on the couch inside the Curtis's house thinking about Dally and Sylvia. 

Dally said he wouldn't talk to her anymore, or fall into any of her traps again, but he was talking to Sylvia... and I knew it would end badly.

I have trust in Dallas, but I do not trust the snaky bitch Sylvia. 

"What you thinking about?" Soda asks as he takes a seat by my.

It was just Soda and I at the house everyone else was gone.

I looked at him startled, and he just laughed, "come on you can tell me" he says nudging my arm, "are you sure?" because last time I told you something you yelled it out at the table" I say looking at him with an eyebrow raised.

His face went into shock as if he forgot what had happened, "I- that- you... come on that was one time!" he says scooting closer to me, "plus it looks like you could use a friend to talk to" he adds.

He was right, I did need someone to talk to, and I know Soda messed up about the pregnancy secret but I thought I'd give him another chance. Plus if he did bring it up, I wouldn't mind talking it about it with Dally, and that way I wouldn't have to bring it up on my own.

"Okay fine" I say bringing my feet to the couch sitting criss cross apple sauce (I hate the name for it, but that's only way I know how to subscribe it). Soda does the same as he looks at me with wide curious eyes.

"Well... Dally's talking to Sylvia again" I say fidgeting with my fingers, Soda doesn't say anything at first as if he's thinking through what to say, "and you don't trust him?" he asks, "I trust Dallas, I just don't trust Sylvia" I say in a harsh tone.

Soda's eyes widened at my tone, "well, I don't think any of us are stupid enough to fall for her tricks again" he says trying to comfort me, "you sure about that? Because I'm pretty sure that she's cheated on him multiple times before you guys finally found out that she is a terrible, manipulative bitch" I say.

"Gracie why are you so worked up all of a sudden?" he asks in a worried tone, "I'm not worked up" I say trying to hold back my anger towards Sylvia, "Gracie you look pretty worked up to me" he says with wide eyes, "I said I'm not worked up!" I yell now.

Soda looked hurt, and I instantly felt bad, "Soda I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you" I apologize looking him in the eye. He took a deep breath, "I told you, you were worked up" he says with a smile. I chuckle and push him gently, "don't push it" I say.

"I think you should talk to Dally about it" he says looking me dead in the eye, "what if he gets mad?" I ask knowing that Dally will get mad, "then talk some sense into him" Soda says with a smirk.

"I don't know if that was meant to be dirty or not, but that's some good advice" I tell Soda trying to think if he meant it to be dirty.

Soda gave me his movie-like smile and got up off the couch, "now go talk to him" he says opening the door for me, "now?" I ask confused, "yes now" he says, "I don't even know where he is" I tell him, "it's a small town, you'll find him" he says.

I roll my eyes and grab my jacket and head out the door.

I didn't know where to start looking for Dally. Buck's? The park? The DX? Dally didn't say where he was going to be, and he could honestly be anywhere.

I decided I would go look in town first.

I walked through the streets, but did not see Dally.

I went to the park next. He wasn't there

Opposites attract - Dally WinstonWhere stories live. Discover now