Chapter 18:

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I quickly turn around and run. I didn't have any other choice. I heard a gun shot go off and I looked down to see if the bullet hit me. It didn't.

"Get her!" I here Reid yell. I turn around to see the four girls chasing me as Reid reloads her heater.

I run as fast as I can to the only place I knew I would be safe without putting anyone else in danger. I ran as fast as I could trying not to trip on my feet.

I see the glowing red and blue lights getting closer and closer as the girls get farther and farther from me. I run a few more steps till I am knocking on the door of Buck's place.

I looked behind me to see the girls getting closer. Reid pointing her gun at me. I turn back to the door and knock a few more times, but this time harder.

The door opens and I see Buck standing behind it "Gracie?" he asks confused. I slam the door fully open as I push Buck out of the way. I hear another gun shot go off. I quickly slam the door shut and lock it.

"What the hell Gracie?" Buck asks wide eyed. "Is Dally here?" I ask looking around at the empty place. Buck's looked different without everyone packed in dancing.

"Yeah. He's just up in his room" he says pointing to the stairs "last door to your right" he adds. I nod my head at him thankfully to out of breath to speak. I then walk up the stairs.

I walk down the narrow hallway. I reach the end and I see the closed door that I assume was Dally's door. I would have normally stopped to think about knocking on a door that inside had Dallas Winston inside of it, but the adrenaline kept me from thinking and I just knocked.

I waited for a few seconds till the door opened. "Gracie?" he asks confused "can I come in?" I ask still trying to catch my breath. "Yeah. Sure" he says opening the door fully.

The room was bigger than I thought it was going to be. I walked in and Dallas shut the door behind him. "Gracie what's wrong?" he asks concerned. I turn around to see Dally semi shirtless as he puts on a shirt. "I... ummm. Need a place to stay for tonight" I say shakily playing with my fingers. 

"I mean this place is no five stars, but you can stay here" he says walking over to me. He grabs my arm and leads me to the bed to where I could sit. "What happened?" he asked confused as he sits down beside me. 

I told him everything about Reid and the mess I have gotten myself into with her. "Why are you doing all this?" he asks curiously. I take a deep breath. I wanted to tell him the real reason, but I didn't want to be looked at differently "guess I'm just a bad person" I say bluntly.

Dally looks at me with sympathy in his eyes "I don't believe that for a second" he says with a soft smile. I look him in his brown eyes that were filled with something other than hatred, but I couldn't quite figure it out. 

Soon the adrenaline stopped and I felt a stinging pain in my side. I wince in pain as I look down at my side. "What?" Dally asks confused looking at the spot I was. I lifted up a bit of my shirt to see that a bullet has just grazed me right side. 

Dally sees this and he gets up off the bed and heads into the bathroom. I continue looking at it. It didn't look bad, but it hurt. I try to touch it, but I pull away immediately when I feel the piercing sting as I touched it. 

"Well don't touch it stupid" Dally says coming back in from the bathroom.

I jolt up to see that Dally has brought in a few supplies to fix the wound. 

He kneels down in front of me and puts the stuff on the ground beside him. He grabs a bottle of... I actually don't know. He then looks at the wound, then at my shirt, then at my eyes.

"Oh hell no" I say pulling my shirt down knowing what he was gonna say. "Gracie I need to get to the wound without your shirt getting in the way" he says never breaking eye contact.

I hesitated before answering. It was Dally, he's seen many girls in bra's before, but then again this was Dallas Winston and he was known for getting with girls, but clearly this wasn't the case, so that's the only reason why I said "fine."

"But you only look at the wound ya got it?" I tell him "got it" he says with a smile I look at him one more time before sighing and taking off my shirt.

I felt the cold air hit my bare skin as I sit there in only my bra in front of Dally.

I could see his eyes drifting from mine down to my chest "hey!" I yell I shove him. "Ok ok" he says pouring the liquid onto a cloth. He then brings it up to my wound "this is gonna sting a bit" he says as he dabs the cloth on my wound.

I wince in pain and grab is hand out of reflex "I told you it was gonna sting" he says with a smirk on his face "your enjoying this to much" I say as I roll my eyes, letting his hand go"you roll your eyes a lot" he says as he continues to dab the cloth on my wound "you give me many reasons to roll my eyes" I say not realizing how that sounded.

I could see Dally's smirk grow on his face as he lets out a little chuckle "not in that way you ass!" I say "I didn't say it?" he says with another chuckle "just hurry up already" I say looking down at Dally clean my wound.

He fixes my wound in silence as I got used to the pain. Soon enough he was done and he was wrapping a bandage around my waist.

"Now that wasn't so bad now was it?" he says as he gets up from the ground "want me to punch you in the face?" I ask annoyed "It'd be an honour" he says with a smile as he turns around and walks into the bathroom to put the medical supplies away.

I take my shirt and I put it back on feeling warmer already. "So where am I sleeping?" I ask as Dally walks back in the room. He stares at me like I'm stupid "on the bed" he says pointing to the bed I was sitting on.

"But this is your bed" I say confused "yeah, and your staying the night, and your staying here" he says "so where are you gonna sleep?" I ask confused "on the bed!" he says with a chuckle "oh" I say looking down at the floor embarrassed. 

"Well I'm tired" I say laying down on the far side of the bed "alright" he says walking out of the room.

I felt the darkness slowly take over me as I try to sleep. I heard the door open and I feel something soft being set down on top of me. I smile knowing it was Dally. He has a tendency to put blankets on me when I fall asleep. Steve told me that when I stayed the night at the Curtis house on the couch that Dally was the one who put the blanket on me, not Steve.

I let out an even bigger smile thinking Dallas, and before I knew it I was fast asleep.

*Third Person*

Gracie lay sleeping as Dally lays beside her smoking a cigarette. Dally lets out a few puffs of his cigarette when Gracie rolled over facing Dallas. She moved closer to him while she was still sleeping and put an arm around his now bare chest.

Dally tenses at the touch of Gracie. He looks down at the peacefully sleeping Gracie and soon relaxes to her touch. He smiled down at her as he puts out his cigarette and closes his eyes letting slumber take over him. 

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