Chapter 25:

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*Hey guys! Sorry for not posting that much I have been and still am really sick. I also watched "Avengers Endgame" and I am really sad about it... to those who have watched it... you know, but please no spoilers for those who haven't. Anyways heres a brand new chapter!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

I jolt awake with heavy breathing and sweat dripping down my forehead. I must've had a bad dream, but I can't remember what it was about.

I crawl off the bed and gather my stuff that I had packed last night, got changed, and headed out the door.

Darry and Soda were at work and Pony was still sleeping peacefully in his and Soda's bed. I remember what happened with Dally and I felt a pang of loneliness overcome me.

It didn't go away. I walked all the way to my grandpa's house and the loneliness just followed me.

When I got there my grandpa was asleep on the recliner with the TV volume muted. I smiled to myself before bringing my things back into my room.

Since everyone was busy, and my grandpa was sleeping I didn't have anything to do. Pony was at school (I was taking a break, but still getting worksheets) Soda and Steve were at the DX, Darry was at work (like always), Johnny and Two were hanging out with Dally, and I didn't want to see Dally.

The memory of him so close to me both of us leaning in for the kiss, and then him pulling away so suddenly kept playing back and forth in my mind and it made me unable to think about anything else. 

I couldn't be coped in this room just thinking about Dallas any longer, so I decided I would go for a walk to the park.

I grabbed a pack of smokes from my desk drawer and slid them in the back of my jean pockets. Quitting came across my mind on many occasions, but once I've started tasting the poison I got addicted.

I exit the house making sure to be quiet so I didn't wake my grandpa. I walked in the cool air with the smell of fresh air all around me.

With each step I took the memory of Dallas kept becoming more painful. 

I made it to the park where I climbed the metal dome structure and sat on the very top. I pulled out my pack of cigarettes and a lighter. I placed the cigarette in between my teeth and lit it with the lighter.

I took a big drag and stared off into the beyond.  watched as all sorts of people walked by men, women, the elderly, the young, couples, and even a couple socs walked past, but they surprisingly didn't bother me. 

It was getting a bit chilly and I have gone through three cigarettes while just dozing off looking at nothing in general that I never heard the footsteps coming from behind me.

I quickly jolt my head back when I heard the snapping sound of someones foot on a twig. I didn't relax when I saw it was Dallas with a smug grin on his face.

"What do you want?" I ask annoyed as I turn my head back around so I didn't have to look at him without feeling the pain. 

Before he said anything, or before I could object he was climbing up and sitting beside me on the metal dome.


"What are you doing here Dallas?" I cut him off.

"Johnny and Two left, so I went for a walk, and saw you here," he says looking me up and down as I try desperately not to look him in the eye and kiss him, or punch him square in the nose.

Opposites attract - Dally WinstonWhere stories live. Discover now