Chapter 27:

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Darts seemed like forever ago. It was now dark, and we were now just talking in my bed. Dallas was sitting on my bed while I was on my desk chair.

I was fidgeting with an antique that my grandpa had growing up as a kid, and Dallas was taking a drag of his cigarette.

We kept on talking for a few more minutes before I heard my front door opening.... my grandpa.

I quickly get up from my chair and look over at Dallas who was now sitting on the edge of my bed. 

"Gracie! I'm back early," I hear him shout, "yeah no shit," I say panicked as I run over to my window and open it. I heard his footsteps get closer to my closed bedroom door and I quickly opened up my window.

"Crawl out," I say when I finish, he didn't question he slid his body through the open window. Before I could shut it he spoke "do you want to go out for ice cream with me around noon?" he asks looking into my eyes.

My eyes flutter down to my hands as I hide my blush, "yeah. I'll meet you there, but right now you gotta go before my grandpa sees you," I say while closing the window and watching Dallas walk away.

My grandpa opened the door not bothering to knock, "so how was your day?" he asked as if he hadn't just barged into my room "pretty good, yours?" I ask trying not to sound suspicious, "not bad," he says giving me a smile before walking out of my room, closing the door behind him.

I sighed in relief when I hear his footsteps fade away, and I collapse on my bed.

That was the most fun I had in a long time.


I woke up to my grandpa shaking me awake. I groggily push his hand off of me and turn around placing a pillow over my head to shield my eyes from the sunlight.  

"Gracie it's past twelve you gotta get up," he says continuing to shake me awake. I groan in response, but shoot up immediately remembering I had plans with Dally.

I quickly push my grandpa out of my room and slam my door shut in a hurry to get ready. I put on some jeans, a nice shirt, I put my hair in a messy bun, and only put on mascara. I then ran out the door hoping I wasn't to late.

When I came in sight of the little ice cream shop I had always went to when I was a kid I slowed down. I looked around for Dally, but he was no where in sight. It was around 1:00 so I figured he probably got tired of waiting and left.

I sighed as I slowed down to a walk.

When I got there I sat at a little picnic bench and decided I would wait for a bit because he might've been late too.

I smiled when I saw a familiar figure near the tiny ice cream shop with his leather jacket and his bouncy walk.

My smile soon faded when he got close enough for me to see that he had a big bruise near his eye, and a cut on his lip.

I quickly got up from my spot on the bench and hurried over to Dallas, "sorry I was late. Got in a fight with Shepherd," he said. "I thought he fought fair unless you didn't," I say putting my hand up to a cut on his cheek that was from a switchblade. I seemed to have missed it at first glance, "he does, but he found my blade on me, I wasn't going to use it, but he didn't take any chances," he says.

I place my hand on his face as I inspected the cut, "well it won't need stitches," I say taking my hand off of his soft cheek. He smiled at me softly, "now let's get some ice cream I'm starving," I say turning towards the vendor.

*One week later*

Dally and I have been a thing for a week now. I don't really know what we are, if we are official or now, I don't really ask. We haven't told the gang yet, but I suspect that they already know.

Dallas and I were in the lot cuddled up in blankets that I had brought from my house. Dallas had me protectively pulled close to his warm body as my head rested on his hard chest. The darkness from outside was lit up by the dozens of stars that dotted themselves in the night sky. 

The cool breeze felt occasionally made it's way through the blankets causing me to pull myself even closer to Dally for warmth. 

I was dozing off to sleep when I heard Dallas's voice "do you want to sleep here tonight sweet-heart?" he asks causing butterflies to form in my stomach and blush creep it's way onto my cheeks. 

He had a few nicknames for me "hot-stuff," "bright eyes," but my favourite nickname he had for me was "sweet-heart" I don't know what about it that made me like it so much. The fact that he says it during the most sentimental moments, how he always holds me tight when he says it, or the way he says it, his accent making it so sexy, but whenever he said it, it made me weak.

"mmhmm," I say sleepily still looking up at the sky, "ok," he says equally as tired as I was. A few more silent moments passed before I spoke up, "I love the sky. Whenever I'm real mad, or real sad it's the only thing that can calm me down."

I felt Dally squeeze my hip, and after that we both fell asleep.


I woke up to the sound of wind in my ears. It was morning, but it was cold. I looked up to see that Dallas was still sound asleep peacefully breathing. 

I felt the chills come over me and I pulled myself closer to him for more warmth. 

I must've squeezed to hard because he woke up. I feel his arms wrap around my waist and pull me on top of him so that my chest was pressed against his chest, and so that we were staring into each others eyes.

"m-morning," I say shivering. He takes notice of this and pulls up more of the blanket so that it's now covering my back. I looked into his dark brown eyes, I placed my hand into his soft brown hair and brought his lips to mine.

He moved his hands from my waist to the middle of my back rubbing circles with his hand. He then brought his hands down to my butt and sat up so that I was straddling him while his back was against a car seat. 

This new position made me dig deeper for the kiss. I felt his tongue glide along my bottom lip asking for an entrance. I part my lips slightly letting his tongue explore my mouth. 

We soon pull away for air. I look into his brown eyes that still show a bit of tiredness in them and smile, "what?" he says trying not to let a smile slip past, "nothing," I say kissing his warm cheek. He couldn't hold back his smile and a toothy grin appeared on his face, "now what are you smiling about?" I say wrapping my arms around his neck and lacing my fingers together behind his neck.

"You," he says causing me to blush. A piece of hair feel to my face and I was about to go move it away before Dally reached his hand to my face and tucked it behind my ear causing me to blush even more, "I could have done that," I say trying not to act like I was blushing like crazy, "yeah, but I didn't want you to let go of me," he says with a grin.

Before I could say anything I hear a voice coming from behind us, "Johnny, found em!" I turn around to see Pony and Johnny smiling and laughing at Dally and I. 

I quickly jumped off of him and the cold instantly pierced my skin, "Pony, Johnny, hey!" I say awkwardly. Pony and Johnny just smiled at me "hey Gracie," they say in unison.

Dally slowly got up, "if they didn't think we were doing anything, then they do now," Dally says as he walks over to me, taking his leather jacket off of his broad shoulders, and handing it to me.

I look up from the ground and give him a smile, "thanks," I say putting my arms through the arm holes.

"How long has this been going on for?" Pony asked while pointing to me and Dally. I looked at Dally to see what he was going to say, he looked at me then back at Pony "about a week," he says taking a smoke out from his back pocket.

I smiled at the sound of Dally talking about us. I didn't really know what we were, I'm not sure he knew either, but what I do know is that I want Dallas Winston. 

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