Chapter 51:

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I woke up in an empty bed feeling my stomach drop to the pit of my stomach. 

That was just a dream.

Dallas really was dead.

I'm just kidding! But could you imagine :') I would have a full on law suit on my hands :')

Okay now the chapter is for real starting.

When I woke up in Dallas's arms the first thing I felt were my still shaking hands.

The rest of my body was finished shaking with absolute terror and heart break, but my hands didn't get the memo.

It was just a terrible night terror... one that felt incredibly real.

Dallas was alive, and he was right beside me sleeping peacefully.

I then felt the pain.

My eyes burned and felt heavy as I tried to hold them open to look at a sleeping, alive Dallas Winston.

My head was pounding like I had drank all the beer in the world and am waking up with a major hang over. 

My throat was dry and on fire, and I could only imagine what it would feel like to talk.

I quickly held my arm up to cover my mouth as I bursted into a coughing fit.

It stung. It felt like cats were in my throat clawing my throat to get out.

My coughing fit woke up Dallas from his slumber and caused him to look at me with concern written all over his face.

"Are you okay?" he asks in a calm gentle voice.

Now was the time to test my voice.

"Y-" I was cut off from the searing pain in my throat.

My weak voice failed on me.

But I wasn't surprised.

I instead just nod my head.

"If you can't talk you're not fine" he says in a strict tone as he gets up from my bed and heads to my door.

I can't talk to ask him where he's going, and my legs feel numb so I couldn't get up to walk, but soon enough Dallas came back with a cup of water in his hand.

"Drink up" he says handing me the cup.

I reach out with my still slightly shaking hands and carefully bring the edge towards my mouth.

I took a long drink, the first swallow stinging, but then getting better as more cold water flowed down my throat; soothing the pain a bit.  

I decided I would try my voice again.

"Tha-thanks" I manage to get out weakly.

"Anything for you" he says as he helps me stand up from the bed.

The feeling of the ground on my feet sent chills up my spine and made my hands shake more.

"I'll leave the room so you can get ready, I'll be waiting on the couch, we'll head to the Curtis's" he says as he exits my room, closing the door behind him.

I wanted to call out for him and tell him to just stay in here because...

I was afraid that if I let him go for even a second, I would lose him forever.

I took a deep breath and reminded myself that Dallas was still in my house and was patiently waiting for me, so I slowly got ready, slowly gaining the use of my aching body.

When I was finished I went to go meet Dally on the couches.

He was sitting on the couch with his feet covered by his grey socks on the table as he fidgeted with his hands.

"I'm ready" my weak voice manages to get out with a whisper.

It was enough for Dally to hear, and he got up from the couch and headed over to me.

He pulled me into a tight embrace and I was quick to hug back.

"Ready?" he asks as he pulls out of the embrace.

"I just told you I was" I say with a slight chuckle that stung, but was worth it.

He rolls his eyes as a response and we both walk towards the Curtis house.

When we opened the door to the Curtis house, my eye sight immediately went to Johnny who was sitting on the ground watching TV with Two.

He was okay.

He was smiling.

He was breathing. 

I must've looked crazy for running over and lifting Johnny off the floor and holding him in a tight embrace, but Johnny only held onto me tightly back.

My heart was racing with relief as I continue to cling onto the poor suffocating boy in my bear hug.

"Ugh Gracie..." he manages to get out as I squeeze him, "I can't... breath" he says with a few huffs of air.

I came back to realization that Johnny really was alive, and that if I continued to suffocate him in my bear hug he wouldn't be for much longer, so I let him go.

I didn't know that my eyes were watery because I still felt the burning pain from them being too dry.

"Gracie don't cry... why are you crying?" Johnny asks me as he looks at me with wide eyes.

When I don't answer and just smile at him he looks at Dallas.

Dallas just gives him a shrug before sitting on the couch.

"You okay?" he asks as he looks around at the rest of the gang to see if they were seeing the same thing he was.

"Yes. I'm perfect" I say taking a deep breath and coming back to my senses, so I could stop freaking out the guys.

I take a seat by Dallas on the couch.

He wraps an arm around my shoulder and brings me in close to him causing butterflies to swarm around in my stomach.

I could never get bored of his touch.

We all talked and watched Mickey Mouse as we waited for Darry to be finished cooking breakfast.

When he was finally finished we all swarmed the table and dug in.

That entire day I spent with Johnny and Dallas.

Okay so this chapter was kinda short , I apologize.

I mainly just wanted to ask you guys some questions.

First off:

How are you all feeling now? 

Are you enjoying this story?

What has been your favourite chapter so far?

Thoughts on Gracie?

Thoughts on Gracie and Dallas?

I have finished asking my questions, and now if you have any you can ask them


Till next chapter!

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