Chapter 14:

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It's been a week since my grandma has been diagnose with stage four stomach cancer. Its sucks.

It's taken over her entire body, she can't walk without help from both my grandpa and I, she can't leave the house for chemo. My grandma is going to die a slow painful death... It's just a matter of time.

I was heating up some chicken noodle soup for her, she can't eat anything else she's to weak. Once the soup was finished I took it off the stove top and seasoned it with salt and pepper. I grabbed a spoon from the drawer and placed it in the hot soup.

I carefully walked over to the couch where my sick grandma watched TV. "Hey grandma" I say trying to hold back the tears. I look up from the floor board into her once colorful green blue eyes that were now grey.

Her skin was pale and her head was wrapped in cloth to cover up her cold bald head. Her once strong healthy structure was now weak and feeble.

She gave me a forced smile. I put down the bowl of soup on the coffee table and kissed her on her forehead "I love you" I say softly, my voice breaking. 

I knew she wouldn't be able to respond, she was to weak, but she used all her energy to reach up to my face. Her still soft hand made contact with my cheek that now had tears coming down them "I love you" she says with another smile. Her voice sounded as if she were in so much pain. 

I smile and wrap her into a big hug careful not to hurt her. I let go. She tried to pick up the spoon so she could eat the soup, but she used the last of her energy to wipe the tears from my cheeks.

"Here. Let me help you" I say getting on my knees. I can see that she doesn't want to be helped, but she knew that she wouldn't be able to eat if she didn't get help.


I finished feeding my grandma. 

It's weird. My grandma was once the one feeding me, helping me, and taking care of me now it's the opposite. It's my turn to repay the favor. 

I sit on my porch outside taking in the fresh air. I haven't taken time to relax ever since I found out. If I got caught up in my thoughts I would begin to cry. 

The wind sent chills through my body as I took a deep breath looking up at the starry night sky.

I continue looking up, and I close my eyes "please let my grandma be alright... please" I say closing my eyes tight shut.

I open my eyes and let the tears fall. Great I took to long and now the emotions caught up with me.

It was around 11:30 and I had school tomorrow, but I didn't want to go to school tomorrow. I didn't want to go to school at all.

I got up from the hard porch and walked down the stairs. I needed a distraction, and I knew just where to go.

As I walked to the Curtis house I wipe the tears from my eyes. I didn't have a mirror so I hoped I look like I haven't been crying.

I finally arrived at the Curtis house and was surprised to see that Dally, Two-bit, and Steve were also here.

"Gracie?" Soda asks putting on a flannel over his white t-shirt. I reply with a faint smile "what are you doing here? You never come over here late while on a school night" he adds. "You haven't been here in a while" Dally says eyeing me up and down "whats up with you?" he asks.

I was overwhelmed by all the questions "ummm. I got really bored, and I haven't came by in a while so I thought I might visit. I was also helping my parents re paint the house, so that's why I've been a little distant" I say trying my very best to lie.

Everyone seemed to believe my lies everyone but Dallas. He kept glaring at me as if he could read my mind. 

I felt relived when he looked away and lit his cigarette. I also felt really bad. These were my friends hell even my family and all I have done since I got here was lie, and all I continue to do is lie. It's like my whole life is a lie.

"Where y'all headin?" I ask trying to shift the attention elsewhere. "Party at Buck's" Dally says picking up his leather jacket from the couch and putting it on.

I smiled a party was just what I needed to get everything off my mind "cool. I'm coming" I say happily. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked up at me dumbfounded. "What?" I ask confused.

"That's real funny Gracie" Two said giving off a fake laugh "I'm not jokin Two" I reply back to him. By this time everything was silent "it's a school night, and the party is going to run real late. People will be drinking, smoking, doing drugs. It's not somewhere you want to be" Soda says kindly.

I cross my arms "sounds like fun" I lied. Nothing about it seemed fun. "Your not going" Dally says coldly "why?" I half yell confused "because it's not your thing and you will kill the fun. None of us want to baby sit you" he says bluntly.

"Who says anyone has to baby sit me?" I respond "Gracie you will want out the instant you step foot in there" he says looking me straight in the eye. He was right. I would want out as soon as I got in, but I was going to that party, and I'm going to stay at that party.

"Dallas Winston. I'm going" I say sternly back to him. If this were anyone else he would have beat them to a pulp. I thought he was going to beat me to a pulp. I was surprised when all he did was break the eye contact and smirked a little while nodding his head up and down "alright then" he says.

It was set. I was going to my very first party. Not just any party, but Buck Merrill's party. The biggest party in town.

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