Chapter 34:

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I didn't exactly know how I was going to prove that Sylvia was lying about me beating her up, but I needed to act quickly before the gang forgot about me.

It stung like a million bees with their stingers dipped in poison thinking about the gang forgetting about me. Could they forget about me? I quickly wiped the thought from my mind, and focused on anything else.


When I woke up to the bright sunshine shining through my open window I felt happier. It gave me hope that I would find a way... and I'm going to find a way to get my family back.

I got changed into some cute clothes that were also comfortable. I straightened my hair because I didn't feel like doing anything else with it. I put on very little makeup and then grabbed a sweater just in case if it got cold. 

I didn't see my grandpa, so I left a note saying I was going out for a while and headed out my creaky door.

I walked to all of my favourite places but it ended up being a bad idea because it reminded me of the guys. The ice cream shop that reminded me of my mom also reminded me of Dallas, and the theatre house that reminded me of my childhood also reminded me of Pony.

I was heading to the lake where we all go swimming. I didn't want to I knew I would get emotional, but I couldn't help it, my legs and feet just kept going with the rest of my body following behind.

I wasn't looking for trouble when I decided to go to the lake, but I ended up going to it anyway because when I got closer to the lake I heard talking. The familiar voices and laughs ringing in my ears and stabbing my heart. 

I didn't turn and walk away. I couldn't instead I just kept walking. 

I finally turned the last corner in the trail and I stood in my place seeing the guys being them goofy selves.

I don't know what hurt more. The fact that they were enjoying themselves without me in a spot where the used to take me to hang out, out or the fact that they were enjoying themselves with Sylvia.

Dallas, Pony, Two, Steve, Johnny, and Soda were all in the lake while Sylvia sat on her bright pink towel watching them goof around. Darry wasn't there so he must've been working.

They didn't see me. None of them. They weren't looking for me. None of them. I grew with jealousy and anger watching Sylvia laugh at Dallas throwing Pony off of his shoulders, and I stared at he with hatred as she sat there with fake bruises, and scars.

I wasn't thinking, and my legs had a mind of there own. I found myself walking over to Sylvia. The guys looked up at me surprised and even a little hurt. 

Dallas was the last to look up to see me. When he met my eyes they weren't filled with the anger he had last night, and he wasn't immediately yelling at me to go away, but instead they stayed locked onto mine as if we were having a staring contest.

I broke eye contact when Soda said my name "Gracie?" he said in his sweet accent. Sylvia looked over her shoulder and she stood up from where she was standing. 

"What are you doing here? she asks "come to beat me up again?" she asks placing her arms over one another, "something like that" I say walking closer to her. Her face grew with confusion as I walked right in front of her, she kept taking steps back until her feet were in the water. 

The guys all stared me down making sure I wouldn't do anything to harm Sylvia, "why don't you go for a swim?" I ask looking at her than the water. She looks at me confused, and then her face fills with realization, "I don't like to swim" she says keeping up her strong barrier, "you sure? The water feels great" I say splashing some water up with my foot, Sylvia quickly trying to avoid it.

Opposites attract - Dally WinstonWhere stories live. Discover now