Chapter 63:

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The entire time I was talking with Mikey catching up with him, I could feel Dally's burning stare from the window looking into the DX to where Mikey and I were.

Soda made Dally get out so that he wouldn't be listening to our conversation.

It felt really good to finally meet one of the only people who really understands me again.

He still had his awesome sense of humour, flashy smile, muscular build, and stunning looks. He truly hasn't changed a bit.

As for me.

He was constantly looking me up and down eyes wide as he stared at the person in front of him.

My hair was lighter from constantly being out in the sun, my skin was more tanned and soft from not constantly being hit, even though I still do get into fights, I have grown an inch taller, and my face has gotten more mature. I would say it's a major glow up from the skinny, frail, pale girl.

"Stop staring at me, your making me self conscious" I say as I push his shoulder in a playful manor.

"You've just changed so much" he says with a smile causing me to chuckle.

Before anyone could say anything else to the other the bells to the gas station door which we were inside clanged; a piercing sound screeching our ears.

I looked over to see who had just thrown the entire door open in a forceful manor causing my ears to bleed and was not surprised when I saw who it was.

"Dallas what are y-" I was cut off by him grabbing my arm and dragging me out of the DX.

I was confused and shocked at why he was suddenly acting up like this, and I wouldn't be able to get out of his hold no matter how much I struggled so I just let him drag me outside and to the side of the building.

"What?" I ask annoyed crossing my arms after he finally let go of my arm.

"Why did you touch him?" he asks angrily.

"Because he's my best friend?" I tell him confused as to why he is acting like this. I was literally just talking to him.

"No, he's not. I am. Not him" he says stepping closer to me.

I felt my knees shake a little and I quickly tried to stop it, and took a step back.

"Dally you are my best friend. You're my boyfriend. Mikey's just another best friend, I have multiple" I tell him trying to keep calm.

I know Dallas get's jealous really easily because we've talked about it, and I do too, so I know what he must be feeling, but I was seriously just talking to him.

Dally took another step closer to me and I tried keeping the distance by backing up another step, but I ran into the side of the building; it stopping me from backing up any further, my breath hitching.

"You are mine. Not his" he growls, "I kn- I know" I tell him.

"Say it" he says pressing his body into mine, his hands resting on the wall beside my neck and head.

My heart started pounding.

Why does Dally always have to make me so freaking nervous all the time?

"I'm yours" I say while looking into his deep brown eyes, my brain remembering how to use my arms as I slide my hands around his neck and pull him into a kiss.

Dally was quick to kiss me back, but I didn't let it last long.

His arms moved from the wall letting an escape route form, and I broke the kiss and scurried out of his hold making it to open space.

Opposites attract - Dally WinstonWhere stories live. Discover now