Chapter 35:

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The next day I woke up and got changed, and did my usual morning routine. I ate some breakfast, and headed out the door to meet Dallas. 

I reached our meet up spot that we had planned, and waited. I was beginning to think that he ditched when someone grabbed my shoulders from behind me.

I jump and let out a scream turning around punching the figure in front of me. I couldn't see the person. My mind was shaking with so much fear, but when I felt the figures arm snake around my waist I knew it was Dallas.

"Dallas you asshole!" I yell banging my fists on his chest, "you punch hard" he says with a chuckle "well you don't just sneak up on someone in an ally way and grab their shoulders!" I yell my heart still beating like an earthquake.

"It was pretty funny the way you screamed" he says with his sly smirk, "would it have been better if I had a heart attack and died, or if I knocked you out?" I say calming down now, "I don't think you could knock me out sweet heart" he says grinning, "wanna test that?" I ask, "I'm good" he says holding his hands up in surrender.

"It's good to know that you can defend yourself" he says with a smile starting to walk, I walk with him "honestly I think it was just the nerves. You know fight or flight reaction" I say, "looks like you got the fight" he says "guess so" I say with a smile.

I didn't know where Dallas was taking me, he just started walking in a direction and like a baby bear with it's mom I followed. "Hey Dally?" I ask "yeah?" he asks back, "where are you taking me?" I ask with curiosity "I'm going to take you far out to the country where no one can find you and kill you" he says with a sarcastic voice "come on Dally tell me" I say "fine, but promise me you won't get mad?" he says stopping to look at me.

I look into his eyes "depends" I say curiously. With a deep breath Dally spoke up "I'm taking you to the Curtis house" he says looking me in my eyes knowing that it would calm me down a little.

"You're not" I say crossing my arms and walking in the opposite direction "yes I am!" he says picking me up and putting me over his shoulder, "seriously?" I ask "you need to hear them out too" he says starting to walk back in the original direction we were going "no I don't they made it very clear that they trust a dirty lier than they do me" I say frustrated. 

"You just can't listen to me, and not the gang" he says "well they didn't show up at my window and refuse to leave" I say frustrated but still managing to smile, "Gracie you gotta give them a chance, you can't just listen to me because I slept with you. If the gang had the chance they would all sleep with you too" Dally says putting me on his other shoulder.

I felt grossed out now knowing that the gang would sleep with me if they had the chance "I don't think your helping their case" I say annoyed, "besides I think of them as brothers" I say, my ribs starting to hurt from Dally's shoulder. 

"You're still going" he says, "ok ok, but can you let me down?" I ask, "my ribs hurt" I say uncomfortably. Dally let me down and as soon as my feet hit the rocky, dusty ground I ran.

"Gracie!" Dally yells sticking his arm out and catching onto my wrist. I let out a defeated groan "fine!" I say.

We arrived at the Curtis house. Dally didn't even give me a chance to think he just dragged me into the house. The gang looked up and saw Dally waved and greeted him, but when they looked over at me they're eyes filled with happiness, "Gracie!" Two yells running up to hug me.

He grasped me into a tight hug. Confused I pushed him off I thought I was free to breath until Soda, Pony, and Johnny were hugging me. I looked up at Dally confused and he gave me an equally confused look too.

"We're soooo sorry Gracie" Soda says rubbing my hair, "get off" I say annoyed pushing the rest of the guys off of me. I looked up to see Darry standing in the kitchen door frame looking at all of us, "we were stupid. We are stupid. We just saw how upset Dallas was over this, and we barely ever see Dally upset, so we believed him, but then we all started having regrets about not believing you, but we thought it was to late, and then you came at the lake, and we knew you were telling the truth before you pushed Sylvia, and then you pushed her and we remembered how much we love you, and how much we messed up" Two says practically all in one breath.

"Two" I say looking him in the eye. He looked sad when I said his name "I need you to breath when you talk" I say with a smile. Two smiles back at me and picks me up into a hug. The rest of the gang besides Darry and Dallas join in on the group hug. I didn't say the words, but they already knew.

I lost trust in them, but I thought about how the good outweighed the bad dramatically, and thought about how life would be without them, and I couldn't let them go. Not over some girl.

When the group let go of me I looked back up to see Darry smiling. I walked over and hugged him tight. We didn't say anything we just hugged each other. We soon let go, and ate breakfast. I already had breakfast but I still ate because I missed eating with the gang, and I have also been really hungry lately.

The food was great, better than the stale cereal I had (although that was my fault because I forgot to buy cereal). 

Dally and I were going to hang out and go for a swim but he needed something from Buck's, so we went there first.

When we arrived at Buck's the smell of smoke hit me hard and I immediately felt dizzy. I looked over at the table to see thirty guys all smoking large cigarettes I waved to Buck, I got a wave back then Dally and I headed upstairs to his room.

I was behind Dally and when he opened his door and walked in he yelled "who put the god damn hat on the bed!" I walk in as quick as I could knowing about Dally's superstition about hats on beds. 

When I looked at his bed sure enough there was a beige cowboy hat (which was probably Buck's) sitting on his bed. He stormed up to the hat and slammed it on the ground "Dally calm down" I say trying to hide how stressed I was. 

Dally and his superstitions were nothing to mess with "I can't calm down there was a hat on the bed!" he yelled sitting on the floor "well maybe if we burn the hat the bad luck will be gone" I say calmly picking up the hat. Dally looked up at me starting to calm down "I think we need to burn this entire place down" he says, "I think the hat will do the trick" I say with a smile getting him up off the ground. 

We walked back downstairs and before we walked out the front door I yelled to Buck "we're burning your hat!" before he had time to respond I closed the door.

We walked to the park, and I pulled out a match "you do the honours" I say placing the hat down, and giving him the match. Dally gladly accepted it and lit it with his necklace type thing. He looked at the match deeply before throwing it on the hat.

We watched it burn and then put out the fire once it was done.

"Come on let's go get food I'm starving" I say grabbing Dallas's wrist and walking towards the direction of the Dingo.

After we ate we went back to my place and got changed into our swimsuits. We put on some clothes over top and sneaked out of my window without my grandpa seeing us.

We walked to the lake and swam for a bit. I got tired and sun tanned, Dallas being annoying and splashing water on me, "Dallas Winston I am trying to sun tan" I say sitting up to see Dallas splashing some more cold water at me "really?" I ask getting up, he just stood there getting ready to splash me again with a smug grin on his face, but before he could I ran and jumped in canon balling into the lake.

Dally walked me to my house. I gave him a quick kiss before heading into the front door exhausted. When I turned to close the door I saw Dallas waving goodbye to me. I smiled and shut the door.

"Hey sweetie where were you today?" he asked sitting on the couch watching TV, "I went to the Curtis house for a bit, went to Buck's, the Dingo, and went swimming" I say with a smile stealing some nuts that were out on the table.

I shoved them in my mouth and went to go get ready for bed.

I couldn't fall asleep. I was so exhausted, but I couldn't fall asleep. I kept twisting and turning. I was really hungry. I got up and headed towards the fridge trying to guide myself through the dark.

When I reached it I opened it and smiled when I saw the light turn on to reveal food. I grabbed some fruit, a sandwich, and a slice of cake, and headed quietly back to my room. 

I ate the food fast, and left the dishes on my desk. When my head it the pillow I fell asleep.


Hope you guys are liking this so far! I have so much planned for this story, and I can't wait to write them down and share them with you all! Thanks for reading!


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