Comfort Through the Pain

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Another painful moan escaped your lips as you brought you legs closer to your chest into a fetal position. You've been lying in bed all day, only bothering to get up to use the bathroom. Yep, it was your second day of your period, and you were absolutely miserable.

Axel had gotten up a couple hours ago to run a few errands, asking if you needed anything while he was out. You barely gave a response due to the fact that you were still practically asleep. Chuckling at your muffled response, he bent down to give you a kiss on the forehead before you passed right back out. Now fully awake, you couldn't remember if you had everything you needed to get through the next few days. By the time you decided to get your phone and text him, you could hear Axel fumble with his keys at the front door.

After being together for almost two years, you and Axel had moved in together a few months ago to a small apartment in Twilight Town. It was perfect for the two of you: it was on the fourth floor with a nice sized living room, a countertop leading into the kitchen, and a bedroom with a great overlook of Market Street leading to the central square. The best part for Axel was the short walk uphill to his favorite spot in town: the Clock Tower.

"Babe, I'm back!" Axel called out as he kicked the door closed behind him. He had run out to get some new shelves and paints to decorate the living room over the weekend and had just returned carrying multiple bags of supplies. Settling the bags down on the counter, he walked to the bedroom to see you curled up in a ball and wrapped in a blanket like a burrito. "Hey, you okay [y/n]?" Axel walked over to your side of the bed and bent down to push some hair away from your face.

"Cramps," you moaned again. Axel raised his eyebrows in worry as you shifted on the bed and let out another whimper in pain. For some reason, your cramps were worse than normal and you were struggling to hold back tears.

"Did you take anything?"

"Mmmmmnot yet," you murmured.

Axel got up and went to the medicine cabinet in the bathroom, rummaging around for some Advil for you. He came back with a glass of water and sat down on the bed next to the lump of blankets you had become. "C'mere," he poked at your side and held out the water and pills. You slowly sat up and took them before nuzzling back down into Axel's side as he wrapped his arms around you and settled into bed. As he began to spoon you, he placed a hand on your lower tummy and lightly massaged it. His hand felt like a heating pad against you, and the cramps started to slowly fade away. Uncurling a bit from your tight ball, you turned towards Axel and smiled at each other.

"Thank you, Axel," you whispered.

"Anything for my girl," he kissed your forehead again. "By the way, I did stop at the grocery store before coming back and I picked up some of your favorites."

You jumped up in excitement. "You got me chocolate covered strawberries??"

"And a pint of hazelnut ice cream, plus some sea salt ice cream for myself of course. Thinking about having some after we order some takeout. How does Chinese food sound tonight?"

You bent down and kissed Axel on the lips, your cramps long gone and your energy quickly restoring. "Have I told you how much I love you, Axel?"

"Yeah, but I always love hearing it," he smirked and gave you another long kiss. "Feeling up to some painting today?"

"Let's do it!" 

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