Come Find Me

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For what seemed like centuries, Axel could only see everlasting darkness in front of him. All he heard was what he could only compare to as a low, echoing sound from inside a cave that made his ears want to bleed. How long had he been there for? Days? Months? Years? He was afraid to find out the answer. He was afraid of everything right now. Will he ever escape, see his friends again?

Will he ever see you again?

What if you were trapped just like he was? This eternal darkness that filled him with such loneliness and despair. The last time he saw you was at the clock tower in Twilight Town, discussing plans to go against the Organization. After what happened to Roxas, you both realized that the Organization's goals were no longer yours. How can Nobodies have no hearts, or feelings for that matter? Axel felt something strong for you, just as you had for him, and in an instant all of the Organization's words meant nothing to you anymore. After the two of you went your separate ways to try and throw Xemnas and the others off track, you had lost contact with each other. Axel had no idea where you were, or if you were even alive at all. He could barely stand the idea of you truly being gone...


A voice whispered to him in the darkness. "Who's there?" His thoughts echoed through the darkness; did he say that out loud?

"Axel, wake up."

A bright light shone through the darkness, blinding Axel for a moment. He felt the warmth from the light spread through his whole being until it completely outshone the darkness around him. In an instant, he felt something hard and cold beneath him: the floor of the lab in Radiant Garden. The last place he stood when he was fully human.

Slowly standing up, he surveyed the room to see Dilan, Aeleus, Ienzo and Even all laying on the ground, starting to stir from unconsciousness. Catching a glimpse of himself in the glass's reflection, he walked up and held a finger to his face; the markings under his eyes were gone.

"We're... human again," he realized. "We've been re-completed." But who's voice did he hear in that void of darkness? It felt so familiar to him...

Axel gasped. "[Y/O/N]!" He swirled around, half expecting to see you standing there, before running out through Ansem the Wise's study to the main part of town. After running around the square shouting your name, he then came to realize that there's no way you'd be here. You weren't from Radiant Garden, but from another world. It would only make sense that you'd be re-completed wherever you were when you turned into a Nobody.

Determined to find you by any means necessary, Axel tried to think back to conversations the two of you would have back in the Organization. The two of you had spent hours sitting on top of the clock tower, sharing whatever memories of your pasts you could both remember. You must have mentioned at least once where you were from. Sitting down on the nearest bench, Axel sunk his shoulders and rested his face in his hands, thinking as hard as he could.


"Axel, the sunsets here are so beautiful!"

"Mmm, best I've ever seen from any world. And I've been around."

"Ohhh, so you've 'been around', have you?" You teased him as you took another bite of your sea-salt ice cream and laughed at how flustered you made Axel.

"Har-har, you know what I meant, [Y/O/N]. One of these days, your snarky remarks are going to come back right at ya." Axel winked and gave you a smirk, which made your 'non-existent' heart flutter.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm sure," you replied sarcastically. The two of you sat for another moment of silence before you spoke again. "The sunsets here do make me miss my world's, though."

Axel / Lea x Reader One Shots (Requests Open)Where stories live. Discover now