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Today was finally Halloween, a day you've been busy prepping for weeks. Ever since Terra and Aqua proposed a Halloween party at their place, you've been spending as much free time working on your costume as you could. Traditionally, you always dressed up as something in between cute and gothic like witches and vampires, but this year was a whole new level. It was pretty surprising that Axel was even remotely interested in a costume since Halloween wasn't exactly his thing. Sure, he liked going to parties and eating as much candy as his stomach could handle, but dressing up? Not really his style. So when he threw out the idea to dress up as each other, you were shocked.

"Why not? We'll go all out with wigs and outfits! And we can have everyone vote on who dressed up better between the two of us. A little friendly competition," Axel had said one night over dinner.

"Okay, but you should know: I'm very competitive about this stuff. There's no way I'm going easy on you!" Your excitement was building up while ideas started flowing through your head on how to come up with the perfect Axel costume.

"You're on! Let the Halloween war begin."

Over the course of the next few weeks, you had gone out shopping for various items that you needed to complete your Axel look. Some of the things you'd use were back at home, including his old Organization coat and chakrams, which you knew there'd be no way to recreate on your own. On your shopping list you had written down a red wig, a TON of styling gel for those natural spikes of hair, eyeliner, black leggings, platform shoes (because your boyfriend was a goddamn TREE) and finally green disposable contact lenses. Smiling to yourself, you knew there was no way you'd lose to Axel; you bet he wouldn't even think to get [y/e/c] contact lenses!

Styling Axel's hair took the longest amount of time, days to be exact. It took you three tubs of styling gel (you had to go back out and get more) and a lot of referencing at photos to finally get the wig to look the way you wanted it. It wasn't perfect for sure, and not nearly as soft looking as Axel's actual hair, but it was pretty damn close.

When it was finally time to get ready for the party, you instructed Axel to get ready in the living room while you locked yourself away in your shared bedroom. It had only occurred to you then that this would be the first time you'd see the whole ensemble put together all at once, but you weren't overly worried. You sat on your bed as you pinned your hair back in a tight bun and placed bobby-pins all around to make sure no loose strands came out. Next came the colored contact lenses, which took you a bit longer to get adjusted in your eyes than you had planned. You then quickly applied the eyeliner thinly across the tops of your lids and then added the upside-down tear marks on each of your cheeks before you secured the red spiky wig on top of your head.

Halfway done, you thought. It's looking much better than I imagined! You swiftly got off the bed to change into a black tank top and the leggings before throwing on Axel's long leather black coat. Last but not least: the platform boots. They looked like the normal high black boots the Organization used to wear, but the heels were humongous for you. If anything, you were used to walking in something along the lines of 1 1/2 inches tall, but these were ridiculous! As you stood up, you started wobbling around instantly and swung your arms around until you regained balance. You had practiced walking in them a few times before tonight, but only around your bedroom. Now, you had to walk around everywhere with them, and you started to get slightly nervous. Zipping the coat the way Axel did back in the days of the Organization, you took one final look in the mirror and smiled, extremely proud of how your costume turned out.

You creaked your bedroom door open and peered out towards the living room. "Axel, you ready for me?"

"Two more seconds!" You heard him grunt a little as he started finishing the final touches of his outfit. "Okay, let's see how good I look!"

Axel / Lea x Reader One Shots (Requests Open)Where stories live. Discover now