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The constant sound of the heart monitor echoed through his ears, each one burning stronger than the last.


His heartbeat started to match the rhythm of the machine. It thumped so heavily that it felt like it would burst right from his chest. His face felt flush, a cold sweat breaking on his brow as his eyes traced over you lying in the bulky hospital bed.


You looked so small lying there, so frail and badly bruised. Visions of the attack zipped through Axel's mind until it all blurred together. The sound of the blade slashing your arm, the crack of the enemy's weapon coming into contact with your skull, your screams as the pain became too unbearable for you. But you did it to protect him; you did it to protect Axel.

And he hated himself because of it.

He was supposed to be the one protecting you, and here you were comatose in a goddamn hospital. All he had to do was turn around a second earlier to see the unknown hooded figure coming at him, but in that moment he was too slow. You ran to him just in the nick of time to save his life by putting yours in peril.

'How did this even happen? How could I have been so careless?'

The memories flashed before his eyes again of the attack, this time more slowly, as if Axel was breaking down minute by minute what went down, and where it all went wrong. A hooded figure that Axel had never seen before ambushed the two of you while out on a mission. He knew it wasn't anyone that belonged to the Organization, at least the Organization that Axel once associated himself with. He held a Keyblade with an eyeball melded between the thick slabs of metal. So if he wasn't with the old Organization, who was he? And why did he attack?

His feet felt like cinderblocks, but he somehow found himself standing next to your bed. Everything was worse up close: all the black and blues forming on your arms and your right eye, the cuts on your lip and cheeks, your arm and head wrapped in layers of white bandages. The oxygen mask that was secured to your face fogged with each slow breath you took. An

IV that had been secured to your arm dripped quietly in the background. Tears pricked Axel's eyes at the sight of you. How could he have let this happen?

Pulling up a chair, he sat down with the back of the chair pressed against his chest. Reaching down next to your side, Axel softly took your hand in his. It was warm and soft but still felt so different; it felt weaker. Wiping the cold sweat from his upper lip with his other hand, Axel took a deep breath with tears falling down his face.

"I'll never forgive myself," he whispered. "I am so sorry. Everything that happened was my fault...I was reckless and you paid the price."

You laid motionless in the bed as Axel's breathing became heavy with sobs, the heart monitor breaking the silence that filled the room. The guilt that buried deep inside him felt like it would overflow at any given second. Never in his entire life did he feel more ashamed and disgusted with himself than he did now.

"I wish I could go back and fix this. All my training this past year, and for what? I can't even protect the one thing that matters most to me! I've failed you..."

At that moment, Axel felt something squeeze his hand lightly. He shot up and watched you intently, still under the spell of your coma. Did he just imagine it?

Axel's head hung from his shoulders in defeat. "I can't lose you, [Y/N]. I don't know what I'll do without you. You can't give up, okay? Because I'm not giving up on you."

Another squeeze on his hand, this time Axel felt it. He practically jumped out of the chair and tripped over one of the legs in his haste, hoping that he really wasn't hallucinating. Your face remained motionless, but your hand gave him a third soft squeeze. It was as if you were saying to him: 'Everything's going to be alright. This is not your fault. I love you.'

The subtle motion of your hand left Axel astonished. For the first time in hours he felt relief wave over his shoulders and his heart rate start to steady itself. "[Y/N]! Can you hear me babe?"

This time, you didn't squeeze his hand but lightly grazed your thumb over his in a slow motion. You may have been in a deep slumber, but you were still able to somewhat communicate with him subconsciously. For Axel, this was more than enough.

Bending down over you, Axel laid a soft kiss on your cheek, avoiding the cuts and bandages that covered half your head. "I promise you, [Y/N], that no one will ever hurt you again. We're going to get through this together." He placed another kiss on your hand as you squeezed once more, assuring him that everything truly would be okay. 

Axel / Lea x Reader One Shots (Requests Open)Where stories live. Discover now