Lost and Found

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The sound of his boots slapping against the marble floor beneath him echoed throughout the long, white hallway. His erratic breathing caused his lungs to burn but he didn't pay any attention. How long has he been running for? For Lea, it felt like decades. There were so many doorways and dead ends in this labyrinth he had no clue if he was even going the right way. The dungeons of The Castle That Never Was were designed so complexly, one could get lost for days if they didn't have the power to open dark corridors. Powers which Lea no longer had. In the end he was trusting his heart would guide him to you.

With each second that passed, Lea was mentally cursing himself out for not protecting you as well as he should have. You were able to fight for yourself sure, but when it came to three Organization members against one Keyblade trainee? Things were bound to get ugly. And they did, in the worst possible way.

Of all the Organization members, it was Saix who got the best of you. The smirk that danced on his lips as he grabbed your wrist from behind and placed a hand over your mouth burned in Lea's mind. Saix's eyes glared at Lea as he dragged you through a dark corridor, as if he were daring Lea to challenge him. His blood boiled just thinking about.

Rounding another corner, Lea found himself staring down yet another long hallway identical to all the others he's already searched. A small voice inside his head asked if he was just going around in circles at this point. Cell after cell flashed by him, and then finally he ran by yours. Lea almost blew right past you; if it wasn't for the shadow of your leg sticking out into the light he would have missed you completely. Slipping on the marble floor, he doubled back and grabbed onto the bars of the cell gate.


There was no response from within your tiny cell. You laid on the floor with your back against the wall, your face hidden in the shadows. From where he stood, Lea could tell you were badly injured. A deep gash from Saix's Claymore sliced your upper arm and a few cuts lingered on your cheeks. He had to get you out of there, fast. But how?

Lea's eyes were drawn to the lock on the wall next to him. For a brief moment, he had forgotten he was a Keyblade wielder. Standing back, he summoned the Flame Liberator and pointed it towards the keyhole. He had never done this before, but seeing Roxas and Xion use their Keyblades in the past, Lea had picked up a thing or two about them. A light shone at the tip of his blade and shot through the keyhole, and in an instant he heard it unlock.

With a strong pull, Lea yanked open the cell door and ran to your side. You were worse than he thought: your left eye was black and blue, another deep cut ran down your leg, and your wrist where Saix had grabbed you looked broken. He swore in that moment that he'd make Saix pay for what he did to you. Angry tears pricked Lea's eyes, but he fought them off as he lifted you bridal-style into his arms. Now for the tricky part: getting you out safely.

Lea had no clue if any of the Organization members were secretly watching him. He would have thought by now someone would have at least stopped him, but by the looks of it no one was around. Hastily retracing his steps, Lea continued to carry your unconscious form down the hallways towards the exit. He stopped short when the sound of footsteps echoed in front of him; there was literally no where he could hide. Heart thumping, Lea hoisted you over his shoulder as carefully has he could and drew out his Keyblade ready for attack.

From around the corner Sora appeared and ran towards Lea, Riku right on his heels. Lea let out a loud sigh, relieved that it was his friends and not someone worse.

"So much for a little finesse! You guys forget that we're trying not to get caught?" Lea hissed.

"You were taking too long! We got worried something might have happened," Sora panted.

"Then who's back watching the ship?"

"The King showed up. He has things under control for now. Let's hurry up and get out of here before we're discovered," Riku said.

The three of them picked up their pace and ran towards the exit. The whole time, Lea kept thinking about how easy it was to get in and out. Almost too easy...

"You are just as predictable as I had hoped," a familiar voice said.

A dark corridor opened up stopping them in their tracks as Saix emerged, Claymore in hand.

"Saix," Lea growled.


"It's three on one, Saix, might as well give it up," Lea taunted. On cue, Sora and Riku summoned their Keyblades, surrounding Saix.

"I see you have one of your own now," Saix said, pointing his chin towards Lea's Keyblade. "When are you going to stop this facade of yours? You truly believe you're one of the Seven Lights? After all you've done during your years in the Organization, you think you're worthy of wielding such a weapon?"

"Enough with the mind games, Saix! We're getting [Y/N] out of here, and don't think I'm going to let you get away with what you did to her!"

Saix chuckled before raising his Claymore. "You're not going anywhere."

Suddenly, a shot of bright light came out from behind Lea's back and hit Saix square in the chest, knocking the breath out of his lungs. As Saix struggled to compose himself, Lea shifted his eyes to see your Keyblade raised up next to his ear. With all the strength you had left, you were able to summon your Keyblade and send a powerful Holy spell for a direct attack.

Another dark corridor opened up behind Saix and he started to retreat back into it, still trying to catch his breath. "Just you wait for the war," he gasped before disappearing into the darkness.

The spell you had cast wiped out the rest of your strength. Your Keyblade fell from your hand and crashed to the floor before it vanished from sight. Lea felt your body slump against his shoulder and quickly brought you down, cradling you against his chest.

"[Y/N!] Can you hear me?"

"Lea, we gotta get her back to the ship!" Sora said.

Hoisting you back up, Lea followed Sora and Riku back to the entrance of the castle. Before he knew it, they were all boarding the Gummi Ship and taking off towards the training grounds where you, Lea and Kairi were spending the last few weeks. Just a bit longer, he kept saying to himself. Just a bit longer, and then Merlin will help her heal. A bit longer and she'll be safe again.


From the small makeshift cot in the Gummi Ship came your voice, small and distant. Lea perked up from his seat next to you and took your hand.

"We're almost back, [Y/N]. You'll be good as new in no time," Lea smiled softly.

"He's wrong."

"Who is?"

"Saix. He's wrong about you. You are worthy."

It was as if you knew exactly what Lea was thinking ever since those words left Saix's mouth. He'd be lying if he said he never questioned being worthy of wielding a Keyblade, and hearing Saix confirm those fears out loud only made him doubt himself even more. But your voice, despite how frail it sounded now, rang stronger in Lea's ears. He was more confident in himself and his newly gained abilities, and it was all thanks to you.

Lea's lips kissed your hand featherlike before bringing his forehead to yours. "I'm worthy because of you, kid."

"No, you're worthy because of you." You gave him a faint smile before sleep overcame you once again.

"We're approaching the forest!" Riku shouted.

As Lea picked you up once again in his arms, he pressed a longing kiss on your forehead. "I beg to differ."

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