Little Black Sketchbook

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Art was something you were always really passionate about. Ever since you were little, you would carry around a sketchbook and pencils wherever you went to draw anything and everything that caught your eye. Sometimes you and Namine would get together and have a drawing party, talking about things going on in your lives and helping each other on your sketches. For the most part, you loved to sketch when you were alone, the silence around you helping you concentrate better on your subjects.

Museums were sanctuaries to you: sketching all the marble statues, ancient artifacts found in tombs of Egyptian kings, old terra-cotta pots from Greece, and the occasional painting. As much as you loved spending hours getting lost in your thoughts studying each piece, there was one subject in particular that was your favorite to draw: Lea.

Lea was never aware of the fact that you drew him pretty often. He'd see you with your nose buried in your sketchbook, but never caught you actually observing him. Your eyes would wander over the broadness of his chest and shoulders, the curves of his muscular arms, the absolute perfect features of his face; you swore he was a Greek God in the flesh. It was hard not to blush while you drew him, and you were surprised (and relieved) he didn't question you about it.

From time to time he'd ask you what you were drawing, but you'd quickly slam the book closed and hold it close to your chest and practically shout 'nothing!'. Lea would raise an eyebrow and watch you for a moment before walking out of the room, shaking his head and chuckling. He thought it was adorable how shy you'd get, and sometimes asked you on purpose just to see that same reaction. The thought of him ever finding out made your heart rate escalate in anxiousness, so you made sure to hide your special sketchbook dedicated just for him really well in your room. you thought.

One afternoon, Lea was rummaging around the bedroom looking for a book he recently started. A few days ago you had cleaned around your shared apartment and accidentally picked it up from its place on the coffee table where Lea had last left it. "Babe, you see my book anywhere" Lea called from the bedroom.

"I think I put it on the desk!" you called from the kitchen.

Lea walked to the small desk, lifting up some papers until he finally found the small book under the neat mess. He grabbed it a little too swiftly and sent the pile of papers flying all over the floor as well as another small black book. The book landed upside down and sprawled open; recognizing it was your sketchbook, Lea quickly picked it up to make sure none of the pages were bent or ripped from his clumsiness. Just as he was about to close it and place it back on the desk, his eyes caught an image that made him freeze. It was a portrait of him, from the looks of it, you had sketched it the other day while the two of you were visiting the park (he recognized the shirt he was wearing that day in the drawing). He had fallen asleep underneath a large cherry blossom tree, the warmth of the spring day and the scent of the flowers still fresh in his mind. Turning the page, another drawing of his face appeared; he had a small smile on his face and was looking at something not indicated in the drawing, but his eyes were drawn with such detail that it was practically mesmerizing. You had even colored in the green in his eyes to show them off even more.

Lea kept flipping pages, each one a different portrait of himself. There were sketches of just his hands, strong and callused but smooth nonetheless, more studies of his eyes, a few of him in his workout clothes that captured his muscularity. As he kept looking through the sketchbook, he walked towards the kitchen and stood in the doorway as you were washing dishes. Finishing up, you threw a towel over your shoulder and stacked the last plate in the cupboard.

"Babe, you drew these?"

Once you saw the book in his hands, your eyes grew wide and you walked hastily in his direction to grab the book from his hands. Lea looked up just in time and quickly turned away, avoiding your outstretched hand and walked to the other side of the living room, still flipping through the pages.

"Lea, it's not what it looks like! I was just—"

"Not what it looks like? I dunno what you're talking about, but these are fantastic!" Lea smiled.

"Really? You like them? And it's not... creepy?" You started twisting the towel in your hands, slightly embarrassed.

"Creepy?? Are you kidding? I'm flattered, honestly. I think you make me look better in your sketches than I do in reality," he laughed.

"Well, that's impossible," you giggled as you stood on your tippy toes and gave him a kiss on his cheek.

"Is that why you're always hiding this from me? Did you think I'd not like this?"


"[Y/N], you're an amazing artist. You should never be embarrassed by that or afraid to show me what you've done. I'd support you no matter what."

"Lea, thank you, that's really sweet of you." You reached up to give him another kiss, this time on the lips. Lea smiled into the kiss and brought a hand to your cheek, bringing you closer to him. When the two of you parted, he handed back your book.

"How about another one? This time, I can pose if ya want."

"Right now?"

"Sure, why not. I'll be the Rose to your Jack. Draw me like one of your French girls!" He raised the back of his hand to his forehead and gave the ceiling a dramatic look.

Rolling your eyes, you slapped the book against his chest while the two of you laughed. "Okay, 'Rose'. The bedroom has the best lighting this time of day. Let's go in there."

"Shirt on or off, Ms. Art-eest?"

"Hmmmm... surprise me."

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