Concert for One

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A/N: Hi everyone! Thank you so much for reading and voting for my stories!! For this one shot, if you haven't heard the song "Is That Alright" by Lady Gaga from the movie A Star Is Born, I highly recommend listening to it while reading! Hope you enjoy and thanks for all of your support <33

Axel stretched his arms up over his head, loosening up his tense muscles from a hard day's work of countless missions. Ever since Xion had fallen into a coma-like slumber, you, Axel and Roxas were tasked with doubling up missions to collect hearts. Which meant that every day the three of you would travel to two worlds just to make up for the lack of Heartless Xion's Keyblade would have harvested. It's been five days now, and the exhaustion shared by everyone was starting to show.

Walking down one of several long corridors in the The Castle That Never Was, Axel heard music coming from behind one of the closed doors. Stopping short, he stood for a moment to listen to the muffled notes playing from the grand piano and instantly knew it was you. Not too long ago while enjoying ice cream at the top of the Clock Tower, the four of you were talking about how each of you blew off steam from a hard day's work. Your's was to play music; it brought you comfort and eased away all the tensions from battling Heartless.

'It's as if all my stresses melt into my fingertips and into the keys', you had said. 'I channel all my frustrations and just think about the music.'

'You should play for us one day!' Xion said.

'Oh, no, I couldn't! I'd get too nervous,' you laughed.

Remembering your words, Axel knew that it was better than to listen in on your alone-time, so he decided to walk away and head to the kitchen to grab something to eat. After taking two steps, he froze again when he heard you start to sing. It was still muffled a bit from behind the door and he couldn't quite make out what the words were, but the sound of your voice literally took his breath away. He walked backwards and placed an ear to the door, listening as your voice accompanied the piano perfectly. Turning the knob slowly, Axel peaked his head in so he could hear you better. Your back was to him as you sat on the bench, your Organization coat trailing behind you and gloves discarded on the floor next to you. Axel, never seeing you without gloves off, was momentarily entranced by your hands. They looked soft yet strong as they danced across the white and black piano keys, never missing a note. But your voice... that was something else.

The door Axel held open squeaked louder than he was expecting, and you instantly stopped playing to swivel around sharply. Your eyes grew wide and your cheeks flushed red as you noticed Axel standing sheepishly in the doorway.

"Sorry about that," Axel said. "I didn't mean to pry, but sound amazing!"

"Oh, uh, th-thank you," you stuttered, looking down at your hands.

Scooting over, you allowed Axel to sit down on the bench next to you. The two of you sat in silence for a few minutes until finally Axel couldn't take the awkwardness any longer.

"Why do you hide when you perform? I'm serious, you're really good."

"I've never played for anyone before," you murmured. "I get stage fright pretty easily."

"You shouldn't. You've got some serious talent. Did you want to be a musician before the Organization?"

"Yeah, it was my dream... but I never got over being scared to play for people. So I just kept to myself a lot." You bowed your head to avoid Axel's eyes.

"Well, it's just me," he placed a hand on your shoulder. "How about you give it a try? And if you get too uncomfortable, I'll leave. Deal?"

You hesitated for a long moment, your nerves starting to overcome. Taking a deep breath, you closed your eyes and placed your hands on the piano and started to play.

Life was so simple

A little boy, a little girl

Laughing and loving

Trying to figure out the world

It felt like summer

When I kissed you in the rain

And I know your story

But tell me again

Nothing you say wouldn't interest me

All of your words are like poems to me

I would be honored if you would take me as I am

I want you to look right in my eyes

To tell me you love me

To be by my side

I want you at the end of my life

Wanna see your face

When I fall with grace

At the moment I die

Is that alright?

Is that alright?

The song continued on, and before you knew it you had practically forgotten that Axel was even sitting next to you. Your voice had started out small and grew louder and more powerful as the song went on, now fully echoing throughout the entire music room. Axel listened to the words you sang; he never heard this song before, but it struck a cord deep inside him. It was as if you were speaking to him through the lyrics.

When the song ended, you looked at Axel waiting for his verdict. Your expression had changed from nervous to confident as the song progressed, and deep inside the void where your heart once was, you felt a familiar fluttering feeling of anxiety and excitement.

"See? You're smiling. That wasn't so bad, was it?" Axel smirked and pinched your cheek.

Rolling your eyes, you playfully shoved Axel off the bench and he landed on the hard floor beneath him. You laughed as he sat up rubbing his butt in pain before pouncing on top of him, the bench falling over with a loud thump. Nuzzling your face in the crook of his neck, you peppered him with kisses until your lips met his passionately.

"Thank you, Axel," you whispered.

"No problem. And, yes: it is alright. Got it memorized?"

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