I Am Strong, I Am Courageous

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A/N: Hello again everyone! Just wanted to post a brief warning for this particular story. I received a request from someone on Tumblr for this for comfort during a tough situation. Please read the summary before continuing - thanks!

Summary: Axel comforts his s/o when a stranger gropes her.

Warnings: Possible triggers

"Oh shoot," you mumbled. Stopping short in the middle of aisle seven of your local grocery store, you peered down at your cart and back up to your shopping list. "I forgot to grab cereal."

"Alright, so we'll go back," Axel shrugged.

"I'll go. If you come with me, we'll be there for the next half hour deciding which one to buy," you laughed.

"Aww but that's the best part! Picking a new cereal for the week to try something different!"

"Yeah, but you're too indecisive for your own good," you said as you ruffled his hair. "Here's the list, I'll be right back."


Picking up the pace, you sped down a few aisles away to the breakfast aisle and skimmed the shelves. You didn't want to waste too much time, but you weren't sure what Axel wanted. Maybe you should have asked him before you two split up...

'Hmmm let's see. Last week we had the Berry Blast Crunch, the week before the Cinnamon Sugar Pops...'

Unbeknownst to you, a man had entered the same aisle and started eyeing you up from a distance. He slowly made his way towards you, trying to make himself look as discreet as possible by looking at the cereal options as well. When he finally stood next to you, he was so close that you felt his body heat radiating onto you. You didn't dare to turn your head towards him, but you knew that you were the only two in the entire aisle. Why did he have to stand so close??

"'Scuse me, miss," he said and reached up to grab a box slightly above your head. As he reached up, his other hand lightly brushed against your thigh in a slow motion.

'Okay, it was probably just an accident', you thought to yourself. 'No need to panic.'

Instead of moving on, the man stood there in silence as he read the back of the box. He turned it over and kept you in his peripherals, pretending to be interested in the nutritional facts. Deciding to make a move fast and get out of there, you reached for the first box you laid eyes on. As you extended your arm up above you, you felt a hand on you again, this time on your lower back.

"Let me help you out there," the man said.

"No, thank you."

"I insist. That shelf is pretty high up. Wouldn't want a pretty girl like yourself to get hurt." The man's hand moved from your back lower until it was fully on your ass and gave it a light squeeze.

Your whole body froze. Your mind was screaming at you: 'Shout! Make a scene! Punch him! Just do SOMETHING!' But your voice failed you and you just stood there shocked. Never in your entire life did you feel more violated until this moment.

"Babe, everything okay?"

Hearing Axel's voice call down from the other side of the aisle, you let out a breath you had no idea you were holding. Axel's face said it all: he saw the whole thing. Charging down the aisle, he grabbed you by the wrist and pulled you behind him, protecting you from the cereal box pervert.

"Lay a hand on her again and I'll make you regret it," he sneered.

"Hey man, relax alright? I was just helping her out," the man replied, completely unfazed by Axel's piercing eyes.

"You call that helping? Looked like you were just helping yourself. If you so much as come near her I'll make sure you'll be talking out of your—"

"Axel!" Voice still failing you, all you could do was whisper, begging him to stop. "Please, don't make it worse."

Axel's eyes never left the man's; he was practically burning a whole through his face with how sharply he glared. "Leave," he spoke through his teeth.

The man raised his hands up in defense and slowly turned away, a smirk still plastered on his face. Cocky bastard.

"Are you okay?" Axel turned to you and placed his hands on your shoulders.

All you could do was nod your head before tears started to brim in your eyes. Axel quickly embraced you and held you tightly as you buried your face in his jacket, the sobs starting to grow louder.

"Let's go," he whispered.

"But—but what about—"

"We'll come back another day. C'mon," Axel cooed. Abandoning the shopping cart, he took your hand and led you out of the store towards your apartment. The whole walk home was silent, with the exception of your shared footsteps and the occasional sob that slipped from your lips. Axel held your hand firmly as you two walked, anger threatening to overflow at any given second. You never saw him so angry; if his hair were able to burst into flames, today would have been the day for it.

Once home, you made a b-line to the bathroom, wasting no time stripping off your clothes and jumping in the shower. All you wanted to do was wash the feeling of that skeeve's hands off your body, crawl into bed and forget this day ever happened. Hot water ran down your face, washing away the tears that wouldn't seem to quit. The shower curtain drew back slowly before Axel stepped in behind you, immediately wrapping his arms around you from behind and embracing you in a strong, warm hug.

"You're okay," he whispered in your ear. "You're safe now."

"I'm sorry," you cried. "I don't know why I froze like that. I should have stopped him! I should have done something! I'm so pathetic!" Your gasped between angry sobs. You know how to defend yourself, and yet all basic instincts failed. You felt ashamed for not standing up for yourself and completely humiliated by the whole situation.

"Don't talk like that," Axel said sternly, turning you around to face him. "He's the one that's pathetic. You are strong and courageous, and you have absolutely nothing to be sorry about. How you reacted today was normal, and you shouldn't be upset with yourself about it."

"I just-I should have slugged him or at the very least said something!"

"He's gone now. It's all over. Don't waste another second thinking about that good-for-nothing asshole. He's not worth it; no one like that is worth dwelling over."

You nodded your head slowly as another sob escaped your mouth. Your eyes were swollen from all the crying, so you tried to hide your face against Axel's chest until he brought your chin up with his hand.

"I want to hear you say it. You are strong and courageous."

"I am strong—and courageous," you stuttered.

"One more time."

"I am strong and courageous."

Axel gave you a soft smile before embracing you once again, placing a kiss on the top of your head. "That's my girl." 

Axel / Lea x Reader One Shots (Requests Open)Where stories live. Discover now