Ice Cream Sundays

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The clock tower rang out 6pm. Finally, another day of long, grueling missions is over with. Axel walked down the quiet streets of Twilight Town towards his usual ice cream spot that he went to every day. It was a tiny store tucked away in the back of Market Street, not too far away from the clock tower where he'd meet up with Roxas and Xion to share sea-salt ice creams. The shop had two big windows, complete with gold letters painted on reading "Murray's" on both panels that shone brightly when the sunset reflected on them. Inside there were a few tables and booths for people to sit and enjoy their cold treats while talking amongst friends. Axel always came before the evening rush to avoid the crowds; a quick 'hello' to Murray the owner, slap down the munny for his usual order, and on his way he'd go.

Tonight, however, was absolutely packed. As Axel approached the store, he saw through the big windows that the whole store was teaming with parents and small children, cliques of teenagers loudly talking and laughing, some even playing with their ice creams and making a mess everywhere. Axel awkwardly walked in and stepped up to the counter, trying his best to blend in without getting too much attention drawn his way. No one seemed to notice that a man in a long leather trench coat was even in the room, and he wanted to take advantage of that. Where the hell was Murray?

The swinging door that led to the back freezer area kicked open suddenly. Axel's eyes widened as someone other than Murray emerged, carrying a large tub of cotton candy ice cream in her arms towards the cooler.

"I'll be with you in a sec," you panted. Your [h/c] was tied up with a bow high up on your head, a few strands loosely hanging in your face. The apron you wore was covered in a mixture of ice cream flavors and toppings. Axel was so entranced by you that he didn't even hear when you spoke to him again.

"Sir? Are you okay?" A hand waved in front of his face, and Axel blinked a few times to get his bearings back.

"Yeah, uh, just three sea-salt ice creams please," he stuttered. 'What's the matter with me? Snap out of it!'

"Here you go, that'll be fifteen munny please."

"Hey, uh, where's Murray today?" Axel asked.

"He worked the afternoon shift today. Summer vacation started so he hired me to take on the evenings," you shrugged, smiling softly as you put the munny in the register. Your [e/c] eyes sparkled in the sunlight like diamonds, and Axel felt his face flush up.

"Oh, well lucky for me the evenings are my normal time to come here," he smirked.

"What do you mean by 'lucky for you'?"

"Murray's nice and all, but now I get to talk to a cute shopgirl every day," Axel winked. As the words left his lips, he was taken back himself. When did he become such a flirt?

You blushed profusely from behind the counter, shyly pushing a few strands of hair behind your ear.

"What's your name?"


"[Y/N], huh? Pretty name. Mine's Axel, got it memorized?" Axel pointed to his temple as you nodded softly, another smile forming on your face. "Well, I gotta take off. I'll see you around, [Y/N]."

"See you, Axel."


The entire evening on the clock tower perch, Axel sat distracted. Roxas and Xion talked away happily about their different missions, but Axel's mind was stuck on you.

"Axel, what do you think?"

Snapping out of his thoughts again, Axel looked up to see Xion and Roxas staring at him.

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