First Kiss

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Today was a really good day; the best Axel's had in who knows how long. After months of spending practically every day together, Axel finally gathered up the courage to ask you out on an official date. The evening started out with a candlelight dinner (prepared by Axel himself) at his apartment. He cooked up a selection of your favorites and decorated the table with a bouquet of your favorite flowers. Your eyes widened with surprise when you walked into the small kitchen area and you placed a hand on your chest; it was the sweetest thing anyone had ever done for you. The entire time while the two of you ate, you chatted away about almost everything the came to mind and learned more about each other. Axel held your hand practically throughout the entire dinner from across the table, occasionally rubbing his thumb across the top of your hand and lightly squeezing.

Now walking around the streets of town, you both walked towards your usual ice cream shop to pick up some sea-salt ice creams for dessert. The bells from the top of the famous Clock Tower rang out to signal the top of the hour, a sound that never grew tired for either of you. You slowed your steps down and came to a stop, still holding onto Axel's hand to take in a light breeze that passed by. The wind blew your hair around gently; Axel could smell the rose scented shampoo you used and became entranced by it.

"I wish there was some place high we could see the sunset from," you said as you stared up at the sky. "Sometimes I think the buildings here aren't tall enough to see everything perfectly."

It had just occurred to him that after all this time, Axel never brought you up to the top of the clock tower. Usually it's Roxas and Xion who would join him up there for ice cream, but there was no excuse not to show you his favorite spot in town. He pulled your arm slightly towards the steep hill of Market Street and smiled. "I know just the place."

Moments later, the two of you were climbing the narrow stairs up the clock tower. "Axel, are you sure we're allowed up here?"

"Relax, [Y/N]. Have I ever steered you wrong? Roxas, Xion and I come up here all the time. No one's said anything," Axel laughed. "You worry too much."

"Only because with my luck, we'll get caught," you joked.

"You're with me, babe. I promise you, everything's going be fine." Axel pushed the door to the top of the tower open, and you were immediately blinded by the bright rays of the sunset. Letting your eyes adjust, you stepped out to the balcony of the tower and gazed at the view in awe. The town beneath you looked miniature-sized from this height, basking in the golden light of the sunset. It almost looked like the entire town was sparkling! The sunset was breathtaking in the distance; the clouds above you moving fast against the purple sky that changed to a red-orange ombre color around the sun.

Axel extended a hand out to you, which you gladly accepted, and helped you sit down on the edge of the tower's balcony before settling down beside you. You swung your legs over and let them dangle freely beneath you, the sensation of almost feeling weightless exciting you. "Oh's so beautiful!"

"Yeah, sure is," he said while looking directly at you. You caught him from the corner of your eye and turned away, slightly blushing. Axel chuckled and intertwined his fingers with yours. Your eyes met his, those two great big shiny emerald jewels that you could get lost in forever, and you felt your heart skip a beat. Axel started to bring his head closer to yours, only breaking eye contact to close them the second before his lips met yours in a soft kiss. All you could think about in that first moment was how right this felt to you; how right he felt to you. The kiss grew more passionate, your fingers lightly grabbing on his long red hair and his tongue occasionally slipping into the mix (which you happily returned).

Axel placed an arm around your waist and started to push you backwards until you were both lying down on the balcony, legs still slightly dangling off the edge. It was an uncomfortable position, but you didn't care; neither of you wanted to break that kiss for any reason whatsoever. Axel positioned himself over you, one arm propping him up while his other hand cupped your cheek. He kissed you again deeply, the ends of his spiky hair slightly tickling your cheeks. This was the happiest the two of you felt probably...ever. Nothing could ruin this mome—

"Uhhhh... should we come back?"

Hearts practically leaping out of your chests, you both looked up to see Roxas and Xion standing at the opposite side of the balcony holding sea-salt ice creams blushing profusely.

"And just how long were you two standing there for?" Axel groaned.

"We just got here, swear! We'll leave you two alone, right Roxas?" Xion pulled on Roxas's arm.

"Fineee, we'll go. Next time give us a heads up, will ya? Kinda had the same idea..." Roxas muttered.

"Roxas!!" Xion yelped.

You giggled as Roxas and Xion left the tower, Axel rolling his eyes. "Now, where were we?" Axel asked slyly.

"Oh, I think we were right"

Axel / Lea x Reader One Shots (Requests Open)Where stories live. Discover now