Koala Bear

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Axel had many nicknames for you: Princess, babe, Snickerdoodle (on the count that snickerdoodles were your favorite cookie), sunshine... honestly the list could go on and on. It almost comes naturally for him to call you something based on what you're doing or how you're behaving. But the one he loves using most of all? Koala Bear.

You were known to take naps, like a lot of naps. If Axel had to guess, it was probably about 3 naps a day, on top of sleeping 9+ hours overnight. He created a separate list of nicknames just for poking fun at your nap times, including Lazy bum, Snooze Master, and Sleeping Beauty; Koala Bear was the one he would use the most often because it made you blush the most.

Axel thought he loved his naps but that didn't shine a light compared to you. Every now and then, the two of you would spend an entire day snoozing away, waking up on occasion to have a quick bite to eat before laying back down in bed for the next few hours. Your limbs would be tangled with his, head resting underneath his chin as he stroked your hair before falling back into a deep slumber. There wasn't any need for too many blankets, thanks to Axel's radiating heat; honestly, you blame part of the reason why you're always so sleepy thanks to his unusually warm body temperature. Axel doesn't fully believe that, despite the fact that when the two of you were cuddling, you'd almost instantly fall asleep, curled up in his side and head resting on his chest. Maybe there's some truth to it after all.

And don't get him started on how difficult it is to get you out of bed. You probably hit the snooze button on your alarm 5 or 6 times before somewhat waking up to start your day. He's up by alarm number three; he has a difficult time getting up too, but not as bad as you. After he makes his morning coffee and hears the alarm for the fifth time, Axel will walk back into the bedroom and think of different ways to get you out of bed. His tactics change from time to time but will stick with his usuals: pulling on your ankles as you grasp the headboard, pouncing on you and shaking the whole bed, and the occasional tickle fight. He never gets tired of trying to wake you up every morning; it's become so routine to him that it's actually one of his favorite moments of the day. You being sleepy all the time is one of the cutest things he finds about you.

One particular morning, you and Axel had plans to get up relatively early to head over to the beach with the whole gang. The alarm buzzed at 8am, and Axel opened one eye slowly and saw you still sound asleep next to him. Reaching over you, he turned the alarm off and rested his head back on his pillow to watch you continue sleeping. He knew that waking up early was going to be a stretch, but you insisted the night before that you'd be awake because you wanted to beat the crowds from taking up too much room.

Axel brushed some hair out of your face and kissed your forehead. "Koala Bear, you gotta wake up now," he whispered. "We gotta get spots on the beach for everyone."

"Mmmmm let Kairi and the others get spots. They live closer to the beach," you grumbled and turned to lay on your other side. Axel chuckled and scooted closer to you in a spooning position.

"I'm not letting you sleep in, missy. You can sleep on the beach once we get there. C'mon," he started poking your sides softly and you squirmed underneath his touch.

"Nuuuuu don't start!" you giggled.

"Wake up and I'll let you gooo," Axel sang.

"Fine! I'm up, I'm up!" You jumped out of bed a little faster than you probably should have, giving yourself a bit of a head rush. Once you saw straight, you climbed out of bed to grab some coffee to drink while you got ready for the beach. The two of you helped put sunscreen on each other, packed your separate bags, and jumped into the car. The drive to the beach was at least a good two hours, so the two of you passed time with light conversation and singing music at the top of your lungs. It only lasted about an hour though, because before Axel knew it, you were back asleep again.

"Unreal, even with coffee in your system!" He laughed and rolled his eyes. "What am I gonna do with you?"

Finally reaching the beach, Axel pulled into the parking lot and chose a spot next to Terra's car. He looked inside and saw that Terra, Aqua and Ven were all still sitting in the car, eating their breakfast and talking. Ven waved at Axel from the back seat and smiled. Axel opened the door and got out, stretching his legs from the long drive, and knocked on Aqua's window.

"Sorry we took so long, a certain someone over here needed her beauty rest," he laughed and pointed over his shoulder to his car where you were still knocked out.

"Aw, no worries! We just got here a few minutes ago ourselves. Ven couldn't get up, either," Aqua said.

"Hey! It's not my fault my alarm never went off," Ven pouted.

"No, but it's your fault for not setting it," Terra retorted, making everyone laugh.

"Let's go grab spots on the beach! I'm sure Sora, Roxas and the others aren't far behind," Aqua said and started getting out of the car.

"Yeah, gotta go wake up my lazy bum, too," Axel said and walked back over to the passenger seat of his car. Opening your door, he bent down and gave you a kiss on your forehead. "[Y/n], we're here!"

You slowly opened your eyes and immediately felt the soft, salty air blow on your face. Finally, after months of cold weather and a horrible allergy, season, it officially felt like summer! You kissed Axel back before unbuckling your seatbelt and jumped out of the car to grab your things. A third car finally pulled up next to you, blasting loud music. Riku, Sora, Kairi and Roxas and Xion all piled out laughing and singing whatever song they were just listening to.

Terra folded his arms and laughed. "Clown car, much? You know, you guys could have asked me or Axel for a ride."

"We were fine! Right Riku?" Sora jumped up to sling his arm around Riku's neck.

"Please take Sora with back you," Riku deadpanned.

Sora punched Riku's shoulder and started running towards the beach. "Race you!" The others started following suit, running with their arms full with blankets and coolers and dropping them at the first spot they found before continuing into the ocean. Axel started running after them, but stopped when he noticed you stayed back with everyone's belongings. You were laying a beach blanket out onto the ground and pulled a book out of your bag to start reading.

"[Y/N], c'mon! You can read that later," he called out to you.

"I'm good, Axel! Go ahead on with everyone, I'll catch up in a bit!"

Axel wasn't going to take "no" for an answer and ran back to your direction. Bending down, he picked you up and threw you over his shoulder and walked towards the water. You laughed and begged him to put you down, but he knew regardless how much you protested, you were having fun. Once he was knee deep in the water, Axel lifted you up and threw you into the ocean and dove in after you. After you came up for air, you started splashing water at Axel as payback, starting an all out war between the two of you. It didn't take long for everyone else to join in and form teams.

Hours later, mostly everyone was back on the shore and relaxing as the sun started to set. You were once again sound asleep on your beach blanket with Axel sitting next to you, stroking your hair and admiring how your skin appeared golden from the sunset. Roxas turned and looked at the two of you with a soft smile. "She likes to sleep a lot, doesn't she?"

Axel hummed in agreement. "Yeah. She's my little Koala Bear." A cool breeze picked up, making you shiver in your sleep. Axel shifted on his blanket to lay down next to you and scoop you into his arms, letting his heat warm you back up once again before he started to doze off himself.

"I think they're both like Koala Bears," Xion giggled. 

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