Spider Monkey

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There are many things about Axel that attracted you to him. Whether it was his personality or overall good looks, the man had a way to always made your heart beat faster than its normal rate. His infectious laughter, those sparkling green eyes, the broadness of his chest and back, the way he said your name...practically everything about him made you melt on the spot.

You also loved the fact that he was super tall. Okay, let's be real: he's a damn tree (and boy, did you want to climb that tree!). Axel was at least six feet tall you guessed; a good ten inches taller than you were. Sometimes he'd tease you about it, too. He'll lean an elbow on the top of your head, making you his human armrest, and pretended not to notice that indeed it was you. Once you'd push his arm off, Axel would let out an over-exaggerated gasp. "Oh, so sorry, [Y/N]! I didn't see you there! Shoulda known why my armrest smelt like strawberries." He'd give you a wink, making you roll your eyes, but you couldn't help but smile and give him a playful push.

Axel would always make a point to help you get things that were out of your reach, too. A lot of times, that always ended up being in the kitchen. There was always something that you couldn't get your hands on: pots, seasonings, boxes of pasta. As you stood on your tippy toes, you tried to reach up and wiggled your fingers (as if that were going to miraculously help you), not bothering to get the stepping stool from the closet to make things easier for you. Axel would watch you for a few minutes, standing in the doorway with his arms crossed, chuckling at the charade he was witnessing. "Can you please get the step stool? This is the exact reason why we have it."

"Nope! No need, I almost got it!"

"You're so stubborn, ya know that?" Axel shook his head and walked over to you, grabbing the box of cookies you were trying so hard to get on your own. "One of these days, you're going to hurt yourself reaching for something."

"Doubtful," you stuck your tongue out. "That's why I have you. To protect me."

"Good to know I'm useful for something," he said sarcastically.

"That's not what I meant and you know it," you stood on your tippy toes again, reaching up to give him a kiss. He met you halfway, bending down so you could reach his face, and kissed you back. He couldn't help but laugh a little every time this happened; it was one of the cutest things he liked about you.

You walked out of the kitchen to the living room towards the bookshelf. The two of you had gone to the bookstore recently and picked out a few new selections to read. There was one book that you were desperately wanting to read for a while; scanning through the titles, you kept looking for the book you wanted but couldn't locate it. Then it hit you: you looked up to the second to last shelf, and surely enough you saw the red spine of the book slightly sticking out. Sometimes, you wondered if Axel put things on the higher shelves on purpose.

Determined to once again get what you wanted on your own, you started to reach up for the book and failed miserably. Axel sighed as he watched you helplessly jump up and down to no avail and walked up behind you, grabbing the book from the shelf. An idea hit him, and he kept the book held up high above his head, earning a glare from you.

"Axel, please can I have my book?"

"Sure, you can have your book, {Y/N]. But you have to get it from me first," he teased.

"Aw, c'mon Axel! I'm dying to read it!" You pouted and hoped your puppy eye trick would work, but he didn't seem phased this time. Jumping up in the air, you waved your arms and tried to knock the book from Axel's hand.

"You're gonna have to do better than that, babe!"

"Your arm is going to get tired at some point, mister!"

"Nah, I can do this all day," he faked a yawn to show his 'boredom'.

"Ugh, Axel!" Huffing from exhaustion, you stopped jumping and eyed his torso, deciding to make your move. You pounced on him, wrapped your legs around his torso, and climbed your way up. You pushed down on his shoulders and extended your arm towards the book, now inches away.

"Hey! [Y/N], what're you—ah!"

Axels legs buckled underneath him and the two of you came crashing down to the ground. Landing on top of his chest, you propped yourself up to see Axel sprawled out on the ground, slightly wincing.

"Oh my god, Axel! Are you hurt?!"

"Jeeze, when did you become such a spider monkey?" Axel started laughing, which made you join him.

"Hey, this is all your fault, ya know. You didn't have to tease me like that," you laughed.

"Yeah but I like teasing you," he poked your nose. "You're fun to tease; you get so easily flustered." He reached over and handed you the book, but held a tight grasp. "Nuh-uh. Not until you give me a kiss. That did hurt, after all."

"Sorry..." you gave him a guilty smile before kissing him from his forehead down his cheeks and ending at his lips. You stood up and held a hand out to Axel to help him up before walking to the bedroom to settle in. Looking down at the book in your hands, you stopped short and groaned.

"Axel, this is the wrong book!"

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