Two Rings, One Love

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The clock tower rang out the top of the hour all throughout Twilight Town. Axel's heart practically jumped out of his chest as he realized he was now officially late for his date with you. Running to the nearest florist, he grabbed a bouquet of [y/f/f] and started sprinted off towards your shared apartment. As he ran, he felt the small box shuffle around in his coat pocket and placed a hand over to secure it in place. Tonight, Axel was going to propose.

Everything was planned accordingly: Axel was going to show you around all of your special spots in town throughout the evening. Dinner at the Bistro where you had your first date, Sunset Hill where you shared your first kiss (and planned on recreating with much more fervor), and of course at the top of the clock tower where you always shared sea-salt ice creams. During the sunset, Axel would recite the speech to you that he had been practicing for the last two weeks in front of the bathroom mirror over and over. It was going to be perfect.

Axel climbed the stairs by twos, his mind a whirlwind of excitement and anxiety as he swung the door open to find your apartment — completely dark?

"Uhhh... [Y/N]? You home?" Confused, Axel closed the door behind him and walked into the living room. It wasn't like you to miss date night, so what gives?

"In here!"

Your voice came from the bedroom, where Axel noticed a small flicker of light illuminating through the darkness. When he entered, the entire room was covered in scented candles. Rose petals decorated the bedsheets and the floor beneath his feet. You were standing at the foot of the bed wearing a black lace dress that ended mid-thigh, a big smile plastered across your face.

"What's all this?" Axel asked.

Extending your arm out, you took his hand and brought him close to you. Your hands were trembling, which Axel no doubt noticed and he cocked an eyebrow out of suspicion.

"Axel," you started. "For the last few years, you and I have grown so much together. You've been my rock, my inspiration, my world, and my one true love. I can't imagine going a single day of my life without you. And..." Tears started forming in your eyes as you pulled out a small box from your dress pocket, hands shaking more than before. You opened the box to reveal a silver band engraved with eight red rubies. "I want to spend the rest of my life showing you how much I love you. So... Axel, w-will you marry me?"

Axel stared at you dumbfounded. Never in a million years would he ever expect you to propose to him. The words that he had prepared for you were on the tip of his tongue but vanished just as soon as they formed, and he found himself completely speechless. Suddenly he realized that his plans for this evening were completely highjacked, and despite tears forming in his own eyes, he couldn't help but start laughing.

Your face went from sheer happiness to mortified. You just poured your heart out, and he was laughing?!

"I'm sorry," Axel said. "It's just that you really threw me off there. I mean, what are the odds..." He reached into his coat pocket and pulled out his own ring box and held it out towards you. "...that we'd choose the same night to propose?"

Your face lit up as Axel opened up the box to reveal a small diamond engagement ring. It took a moment, but you put the pieces together and understood what Axel was saying. "Oh my god! Axel!"

"I guess great minds think alike, huh?"

The two of you laughed and cried until your stomachs hurt, leaving you both breathless. For what seemed like eternity, the two of you stood in your bedroom embracing each other, still holding the open ring boxes in each of your hands.

" that a yes?" Axel whispered.

"Hey! I asked you first, mister!"

Axel paused and hummed, bringing a hand to his chin to think. He took his time, dragging out the suspense and purposely keeping you on your toes. You couldn't help but giggle as he continued pretending to consider your proposal.


Laughing, Axel brought his hand to the back of your head and brought your face close to his, softly kissing your lips. He pushed some of your hair behind your ear and bent down to whisper in your ear, sending chills up your spine.

"My answer is yes. Forever and always."

Axel / Lea x Reader One Shots (Requests Open)Where stories live. Discover now