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Spring cleaning wasn't exactly how you pictured your weekend to pan out. It was the first warm day in Radiant Garden in what seemed like forever, and you'd rather be out enjoying the nice weather while doing things you actually enjoyed. Being cooped up in your apartment wasn't one of those things, but it had to be done. After all, you had to make room for your boyfriend to move in.

Axel had recently asked you to live with him, which you were over the moon about. The two of you go way back: your parents had been next door neighbors years before either of you were even born. Growing up, you were both inseparable between school, family outings and BBQs, summer vacations and hanging out with friends. It had been a running joke of sorts between the two families that you would end up together, and now here you were years later moving in together.

With Axel's place being smaller in size, you both agreed that it would be better to move in together in your apartment, which was also slightly more updated than his. Your bedroom and living room were both full of boxes labeled with Axel's name as he started to move some things in gradually. While you waited for him to come back with more boxes, you decided to go through your bedroom closet to make room for any clothes and shoes he'd want to store in there. Shuffling around some items on the top shelf, you reached up and grabbed an old photo album your mom had given it to you when you first moved in a few years back. As you opened the book, you decided to take a quick break from cleaning and look through your memories.

Sitting down at the kitchen island, you poured yourself a second cup of coffee and started flipping through the pages. They were all in chronological order, from the year you and Axel had started kindergarten together all the way up through graduation day at college. You couldn't help but smile while looking at the photos; seeing how the two of you have grown so much over the years. One of your favorite photos was of the two of you just after Axel had convinced you to pull your own tooth out with the old "door knob and string" trick; you both had one arm around each other as you held up your front tooth proudly, string still attached. Axel was laughing in the image, showing off his toothless smile that was identical to yours.

Turning through the pages, you came to your senior year prom photos. You couldn't help but smile as you remembered how special that night was for the both of you. After years of pining at each other, Axel finally bucked up the courage to ask you to go steady by asking you to prom. It was such a sweet gesture: he had asked you while taking you out for sea-salt ice cream by writing 'PROM?' on your popsicle stick, asking the shop owner to make the ice cream special for you. You nearly knocked him over when you jumped in his arms to say 'yes!', so happy that what you had dreamed of for so long was finally coming true.

Prom night finally came, and when you had walked down the stairs of your parent's house, Axel's world seemed to come to a standstill. You were a vision: your hair bounced in loose curls on your shoulders, your dress was his favorite shade of red that formed perfectly to your curves, and you wore the gold charm necklace he had given you for your sixteenth birthday. Axel had looked so handsome in his black tux, complete with a red satin tie that matched your princes-cut dress. His long, spiky hair had been pulled back in a messy ponytail and he wore your absolute favorite cologne.

Just as you started to look over more photos from that night, the door to your apartment opened up and Axel walked in carrying a few stacked boxes in his arms. "Hey, babe! Whatcha up to?"

"Ax, look at what I found! Photos of us growing up!"

Axel walked behind you and looked over your shoulder as you continued to look at the prom photos. You had flipped to the page where you were pinning Axel's boutonnière on his tux in one photo, and him placing your corsage on your wrist in another. Both were red roses, your absolute favorite flower. "Remember when you poked me with the needle like ten times before you finally got it on properly?" Axel laughed.

"Hey, I was nervous! I couldn't stop my hand from shaking. And it's not like you weren't clumsy either. You stepped on my feet during our first dance at least three times!"

"Okay, fine fine! We'll call it even," he laughed as he wrapped his arms around your shoulders and gave you a kiss. "But, I can make up for it."

"What do you mean?" You raised an eyebrow.

Axel walked over to the small speaker in the kitchen and connected his phone to it, scrolling through the music. A second later, "Dreaming Of You" by Selena started playing, the song that played for your first slow dance together at the prom. Axel extended an arm out and you accepted, giggling as he swirled you around and brought you close to him. The two of you started swaying around the kitchen, recreating your first dance together (without Axel stepping on your feet). The song came to an end, but the two of you kept dancing long after in complete silence.

"You've gotten better," you teased.

"Oh-ho, I see how it is. Someone thinks they're funny!"

"I don't think I'm funny - I know I am!" You stuck your tongue out and poked his side.

"That's it, missy!" Axel swooped you off your feet and threw you over his shoulder as you laughed, playfully struggling to get out of his grip as he brought you into the bedroom. "I'll show you just how funny you are!" He threw you on the bed and pounced on top of you, tickling your sides.

Once he stopped his attack and your laughs subsided, Axel placed a hand on your cheek and brought your lips to his in a deep kiss. He rubbed his nose against yours and smiled, "I can't wait for this new chapter in our lives."

"Neither can I, babe," you whispered. If this is how your life was going to be with Axel, you knew it was going to be one hell of an adventure. 

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