I Should Tell You

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You stared nervously at your reflection in the full length mirror in your bedroom, hands softly rubbing on your tummy. It seemed like only yesterday you took the pregnancy test—well, three pregnancy tests to be exact— that revealed you were definitely with-child. You remembered how anxious and excited you were at the same time; your heart fluttered and you felt weightless with joy. After years of dreaming that one day you'd be a mom, that dream finally turned into a reality.

Now five months pregnant, your feelings were completely reversed. Mainly because you have yet to tell Axel the news. To be honest, you've never been more scared in your life. Forget battling tons of Heartless and Nobodies and even taking a shot at Master Xehanort: telling Axel made your palms sweat and heart drop down to your toes.

When you first found out, you were fully planning on telling Axel. You were practically jumping up and down when you told him you had something to tell him, but you kept a straight face just to try throwing him off. Unfortunately...it didn't work.

"Please tell me you're not pregnant," he had said.


"It's just...well, I don't think we're there yet, you know? We've only talked about the next couple years. I think we have some more growing to do as a couple first before having a child, that's all."

Your heart sank instantly. He sorta did have a point, as much as you didn't want to admit it. The two of you had only discussed the next few years together, which included getting engaged and married after being a couple for two years. So yeah, having a kid now would kinda rush things.


Your mind said no. You wanted this baby more than anything in your entire life, and you knew nothing would stop that. Axel would stay by your side no matter what, and you knew that with all your heart. But a little voice inside you kept whispering "What if...?" for weeks on end, and so you've put off telling him until the time was right.

Which had to be today. You were running out of clothes that could cover your now growing belly, and Axel was bound to notice. Taking a deep breath, you gazed at your reflection one more time before walking to the kitchen where Axel was fixing himself up some lunch.

"Smells good in here," you said a little too perky.

Axel eyed you carefully. "Really? Don't you hate the smell of tuna?"

Whoops. Way to watch out for your pregnancy-hyped nose.

"Right, yeah gross. Anyways, Axel? Can we talk for a minute?"

"Sure, what's up?"

"There's something I've been meaning to tell you for a while now," you started slowly. "I'm sorry for keeping it from you for so long, but I was honestly so scared to tell you. I still am. But I know I have to say something now before it's too late."

"[Y/N], you're starting to worry me. What is it?" Axel stopped making his sandwich and walked over to you, taking your hands in his. You always loved how much bigger his hands were compared to yours; they were soft but firm, and always warm.

"I'm—I'm pregnant."

A loud silence filled the room. Axel's eyes were wide as he stared at you, unsure how to respond. After a few agonizing seconds more, a smile crept on his face. "Are you really?"

"You're okay with this?"

"Okay?? Are you kidding me!? [Y/N], I couldn't be more excited! We're going to be parents! I'm going to be a dad!" Axel grabbed you in a big bear hug and lifted you up off your feet, swinging you around the kitchen. "How far along are you?"

"Five months. I'm starting to show a little," you giggled. Axel instantly bent down and placed a hand on your stomach, feeling around at the child growing inside you.

"I can't believe this," he smiled.

"Neither can I," you said. "But, I'm surprised you're this excited about it. Considering you said you didn't..." Tears started welling up in your eyes.

Axel looked up at you, his expression changing to a pained one. "I...said that?"

You nodded as the tears fell from your face, your shoulders now shaking from your uncontrollable sobs. "I was so afraid you were going to leave..."

"[Y/N], I would never! Not in a million years. I'm sorry I said that; I wish I knew what I was thinking. Clearly, I wasn't... But I promise: I want this child with you because I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

"I love you too, Ax," you said.

Axel kissed the length of your hand down your arm until he found your sensitive spot on your neck and suckled there for a moment. He placed one kiss on your forehead before brushing his lips against yours, the taste of tuna lingering on his breath.

"I'm starving," you laughed.

"Well, let's take care of feeding Momma," he said. "Good thing I got lunch started."

"You know what would make this better?? Pickles and mustard!"

"Oh God, no!" Axel stuck his tongue out in disgust. "I guess the cravings are kicking in?"

"Hey, what baby wants, baby gets!"

Axel / Lea x Reader One Shots (Requests Open)Where stories live. Discover now