Worthy (NSFW)

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Love to you was the ultimate dream come true. Ever since you were a child, you always divulged in movies and books about characters finding their one true love. To find someone so special that knows you inside and out, who sticks with you through thick and thin was the one thing you always truly desired.

But when you had lost your heart and in result turned into a Nobody, everything changed.

Love was no longer an option. In fact, you were no longer capable to love and be loved in return. You were told as much upon joining Organization against your will, and despite being void of feelings, you still felt terrified and full of despair. It was all so confusing, until you met Axel.

Axel was the only one who showed you any kindness during your days in the Organization. As days turned into years, the two of you grew inseparable: countless missions vanquishing the Heartless, meeting for ice cream at the clock tower every day, and spending lazy days off getting to know each other. There was something deep inside your heartless being that you felt whenever you were with him. It was small and warm, almost out of reach to the point where you even questioned if you felt anything at all. You couldn't quite pinpoint that feeling, until it was too late.

The both of you met your ends in the crosshairs of worlds, the realm of Betwixt and Between. You had been overrun by countless Heartless and Dusks, who used to obey your every command before you and Axel had turned on the Organization. Your being was being ripped to shreds, you gasped for air and cried out Axel's name until you saw a large burst of flames eliminate every single creature in its path. Axel collapsed next to you, smiling and took your hand in his as tears formed in both your eyes. That distant feeling in your chest came back and burned brighter than ever. It was love; he was your love. All this time, you thought you'd never find the kind of love you've searched for your entire human life, and it was right in front of you. The darkness quickly overcame you both, and you both faded into nothingness.

A year had passed, and a lot had happened since then. You and Axel had been re-completed into full humans again, and once again the two of you were practically joined at the hip. Everything was back to the way it was... well, almost. Sure the Keyblade War was upon you, and you had both become Keyblade wielders since re-completion, but it didn't change the fact that you both finally knew what it was like to feel loved again. So when the two of you made love for the first time, it was an intensely emotional night for the two of you.

You had both decided to take your time getting to this stage in your relationship. Being without hearts for all those years made the two of you weary about confusing feelings and hurting each other; you wanted to make sure that the time was right. The time finally came, and although nerves and anxiousness filled your heart, love trumped all of those feelings. In the midst of tangled limbs and passionate kisses, you couldn't help but remember your days as a child pining about love and your days in the Organization. All of your thoughts and feelings started to overwhelm inside you until you were about to burst, and without even realizing it at first, tears started falling down your face. A soft sob escaped your lips, and almost instantly Axel froze in his place, his long, thick member still inside you.

"[Y/N]? What's wrong? Did I hurt you??" Worry struck his eyes and he started to retreat from his position on top you.

"No, no! I'm sorry, Axel. It's just—After all these years, after everything I've done, I never thought I'd have this. I never thought I'd have you. With everything that's happened, I didn't think I'd deserve your love." You continued sobbing, which made you feel even more frustrated. 'You really couldn't have picked a better time for this, could you?'

No other words needed to be spoken; Axel knew exactly how you were feeling. Truth be told, he honestly felt the same exact way you did. Never in a million years would he have thought he'd fall in love either. Even when things got worse within the Organization and he was ordered to eliminate all of the traitors, Axel knew he would never be worthy of any affection. He would never forgive himself, but you did despite it all, and to him that was more than enough.

"[Y/N], do you know how much you mean to me?" Axel placed a hand on your cheek and smiled softly. "You forgave me in my darkest hour, and never stopped loving me. You deserve everything and so much more. What happened in our pasts are now behind us, and I want to keep it that way. We are both worthy of our love. Got it memorized?"

Lips still trembling, you wiped tears from your face and looked back into Axel's eyes. His were now starting to well up as well, and you wiped away his tears with your thumb as the fell.

"Great, now I made you cry!"

You both laughed until the crying ceased completely. Axel leaned down and kissed you once more, his eyes lingering deep into yours.

"Now that that's settled, where was I?" He gave you a devilish smirk and started kissing your neck. Excitement building up in your heart, you caught him off guard by quickly flipped on top of Axel and pinned one of his hands down with yours. He gave you a surprised look as you began kissing him from his neck down his abdomen, getting closer to his erect member.

"I think we were right about...here."

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