•Chapter 2•

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The next morning

You wake up. You get up. You changed into a blue crop top that said barbie and white converses with booty shorts. You walk downstairs. The kids were all sitting at the table.
You: We need to talk
Alice: Alright
Alicia: Okurt
Justin: Wassup
Jackson: Ok
You sit at the table
You: Ok I want an explanation about those hickeys!
Alice: I will go first, Ok so me and Diego were at the movies, we started making out then he went down to my neck and left and hickey and I did the same
You: Ok
Jackson: See I'm the good son
Justin: That's not what those hickeys say on your chest
You: JACKSON!!!!!
Jackson: Ummm that's not true
You lifted up his shirt. There was 4 hickeys on him.
Jackson: I can explain
You: Go ahead
Jackson: So I met this girl her name is Chelsea, she is 15, and I like her and we hit it off we went to the movies and she gave me hickey. I give her a hickey on her neck.
You: Let me see a picture of her
He shows a picture of her. She had blonde hair with blue eyes. Her hair was in a bun. She had glasses and was wearing a black crop top and white converses with booty shorts.
You: She looks like every other bitch like🙄😂
Justin: So me and Bailey are dating. We ran to the skate park and make out then she left me a hickey and I did the same
You: Ok Alicia your turn
Alicia: ok so this boy. He is so fucking cute. He is 14. His name is Luis Ruiz. We are dating. We kissed and then he left me a hickey. I did the same thing.
You: Oml you all are crazy
Justin: in love
Jackson: Are you ok about this?
You: Ummm you know I'm basically saying you are allowed to do that but no sex
Alicia: I'm to young for that
Justin: I know how-
You: No I don't need to know what you're thinking
Jackson: for real
You: You all are excused
They all get up. Jesse comes downstairs. You get a text from tanner.
Tanner❤: Hey! You missed the race
You: Oh sorry
Tanner❤: it is fine. Can we meet up?
You: Sure
Tanner❤: ok meet me at in & out
You: ok
Tanner❤: I love you bestfriend
You: I love you too
Jesse reads your texts.
Jesse: What the hell babe
You: What
Jesse: You and Tanner!
You: We arent dating
Jesse: Then why are you saying I love you
You: Can I not say I love you to my bestfriends?!
Jesse: I need time to think
You: whatever🙄
Jesse grabs the car keys to the Lamborghini.
You: Bye
Jesse: Yeah whatever
Jesse walks out the door and slams it. You walk upstairs. You knocked on all the kids door.
they all went down stairs. They sat down.
You: I'm done
Alice: what do you mean?
You: Your dad
Jackson: All you guys do is fight
You: Yes! It pisses me off. I'm basically rising you guys!
Alicia: I want dad to be part of our lifes but all he does is fight with you
You: Yes but I love him but I think we need time apart
Justin: We love you guys and we support you and dad.
You: I don't know! I want to leave but you guys probably don't.
Alice: Idk and idc
You: I'm meeting up with my friend.
Alicia: Which one?
You: Tanner
Alice: oh
You: Yeah
Jesse walks into the house.
You: Are you done?
Jesse: Fuck you
Alice: Dad chill
You: Kids go upstairs
They went upstairs
You: Wtf is wrong with you?!
Jesse: Do we have to talk about this?!🙄
You: Yes!
Jesse: Uhhhhh fine🙄 (he eye rolls)
You: Jesse!? Why are you doing this?!
Jesse: Ugh what?
You: Ugh jesse! I think we need time apart
Jesse: wdym?
You: We fight all the time
Jesse: Ok and?
You: Dont you get tired of it?!
Jesse: Yes!
You: I really think we need time apart
Jesse: I think we need to end
You: wdym?
Jesse: Get a divorce
You: Ummm that isn't what I meant by time apart
Jesse: I honestly think it the best
You: Um Jesse we don't have to do this
Jesse: You said it would be best if we had time apart
You: Yes but
Jesse: I think it is honestly best if we go back to friends
You: Please jesse
You starting crying and so does he. The kids walk downstairs and watches.
You: Please Jesse!
Jesse: We should do what is best
You: but-
He kisses you. You kiss back. He backs away.
You: please jesse!
You hold him tight. He holds you tight.
Jesse: I know it's going to be hard
You: jesse I have spent so many years with you.
Jesse kisses you on the head.
You: Should I take it off
Jesse: No keep it on
You: But jesse-
You start crying more. So does he
You: What about the children?
Jesse: I want the boys
You: Then I will take the girls
Jesse: I guess that means you have to-
You: Please can I stay for 5 nights?
Jesse: Yes but you're sleeping in the guest room.
You: ok

To be continued....

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