•Chapter 67•

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Your POV: 2 days later 😔
You wake up and go to Alice. Alice was asleep. You kissed her on her forehead. She wakes up.
Alice: What day is it?
You: Alice it is Alison death day😔
Alice: 😭😭😭 I miss her
You: I know
Alice is crying on your shoulder. You hug her tight. She stopped 25 minutes later.
Alice: Mom are you getting fat?
You: Uhhh you have to get ready for school
Alice: Mmk love you
You: ilyt
You walk out of her room. That was way to close you thought. Alicia still wasn't ina public school. Alicia walks out of her room
Alicia: I have 3 questions!
You: I hope I have 3 answers
Alicia: So what high school will I go to?
You: Probably the one few streets down
Alicia: Mmk it isn't bad there. 2. Isnt today Alison-
You: Yes and your 3rd question
Alicia: Are you pregnant?
You: Ummmm dont you have something to do?
Alicia: Yeah but-
You walk away from her to your bedroom. Alicia comes in and locks the door.
Alicia: Are you? Mom don't lie
You: Would you tell anyone?
Alicia: Hell no
You: Yes...
Alicia: How many months?
You: Almost 3
Alicia: Damn your gonna have to tell the others soon
You: I know but I don't know how
Alicia: Want me to do it.
You: I will do it on Justin & Jackson birthday
Alicia: Ngl I hope it is a boy
You: Why ?
Alicia: Alice is almost 18 so she should be leaving soon thank god. Justin & Jackson are turning 17 so a year few a days they will be 18 so they would be gone. So like it would be me, Gabriella , you, new baby and jabez if he stays that long in this house.
You: That literally had nothing to do with why u want it to be a boy
Alicia: Cuz 3 boys and 3 girls
You: Oh mmk
Alicia: I promise I won't tell them
Justin comes running in.
Justin: I'm almost 17-
You: Um ok but that is in 2 days
Jackson: I'm almost 17
Alicia: Nah shit I heard it from big mouth over here🤣
Justin: This is why your the littlest sister
You: She-
Gabriella starts crying
Alicia: Look what you did!
Alicia goes up to her and picks her up and changes her diaper.
Jackson: Her doing something good! I'm shocked 🤣
Justin: Fr
You: Bye
You shut the door on them.
Alicia: Damn I love Gabriella
You: Aww! I'm glad your helping me with her.
Someone opens the door.
You: Justin I s- *you look up and it was jabez*
Jabez: Um should I leave
You: No
You hug him and give him a kiss on the lips.
Alicia: Excuse me baby eyes and ears so SHHH! 😌
You started laughing.
Alicia: Ima take Gabriella to my rooms and let yall do that typa shit
You: Baby ears 😐😂
Alicia: Oops but ima take her
You: Okay
She walks out with Gabriella staring into alicia eyes.
Jabez: Mamas 🤤
You: Yes
Jabez: I can't wait for you to have the baby
You: Well I hope it is a boy
Jabez: Why ?
You: Cuz your hella fine and he would probably look so much like you
Jabez: True
You: Yes papi😍
You and Jabez started making out. You guys didn't have sex. You kept putting your tongue in his mouth. He gave you hickeys on your neck. Then 1 hour later you guys stopped making out and giving hickeys to each other. Alicia walks in with the baby. You play with Gabriella. Jabez played peekaboo with her too. Gabriella would laugh and laugh.
Gabriella: Daddy 😐
Jabez: Aww she is already calling me daddy 😭
You: Gabriella that's your new dad
Gabriella: Momma 😍
You: Aww Gabriella
Alicia walks in
Alicia: Gabriella called me sissy
You: Awe
Gabriella: Sissy *points at alicia*
You: Awwww
Gabriella got on top of Jabez and Gabriella started laughing
You: Awww my baby
Jabez and you kissed. Gabriella hit Jabez in the face.
You: Gabriella!
Alicia started laughing. Gabriella started laughing as well.
You: no baby girl
Jabez trys to kiss you. Gabriella hit Jabez in the chest. Alicia was still laughing.
You: no baby 😔
You kiss jabez. Gabriella just smiled. Alicia was still laughing. Gabriella then made that face that she shited🤣🤣.
You: Alicia change her please
Alicia walks to get her.
You: Alicia baby ears😂😂
Alicia takes gabriella. Jabez just is laying on the bed like: 😐
You: Are you okay?
Jabez: She shit on me😐
You: She had a diaper on
Jabez: True 😂😂
You: Yeah
Alicia: Damn that shit hella wet and sinks 😐
One change diaper later😂
Alicia puts Gabriella into the crib and she fell asleep. You and Jabez cuddle up and watch Netflix. Alicia leaves the room. She slams the door. You go down and kiss Jabez v line.
Jabez: Not in front of the baby!
You: Fine😂
You come back up and cuddle with him and fall asleep

That's the end of this chapter 😂

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