•Chapter 85•

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Jada pov
It was Tuesday afternoon and I'm crying because I lost my house and now I'm gonna have to live on the streets. I called Iris.
Iris: Hey sis Wassup?
You: I lost my house and now I don't know where to live...
Iris: I understand your my sister but I can't have you living in the same house as me. You dont like my husband and I don't need you to arguing in front of Alyssa
You: I know but should I call mom?
Iris: That is up to you but Gabriella has a big ass house
You: Thanks for reminding me about that
I hang up and call Gabriella.
You: Gabby can I come live with you?
Gabriella: Ahh sure! Wait what happened to your house? 
You: Um I lost it cuz I didn't pay for it and some other things
Gabriella: Ight
I drive to her house and this is my room:

 You: Gabby can I come live with you? Gabriella: Ahh sure! Wait what happened to your house?  You: Um I lost it cuz I didn't pay for it and some other things Gabriella: Ight I drive to her house and this is my room:

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Me and Gabriella had ups and downs but she is my favorite Aunt! 🥰 Me and Gabriella hang out and talk about stuff outside.
Gabriella: Okay so this was 10 years ago and I remember it and I think you would
You: What is it about?
Gabriella: it is about my brother Juan
You: Umm ight tell me🥺
Gabby: He told me that you sucked his dick
You: omg that was so long ago but I did
Gabriella: Damn do you not understand how weird that is 😂😂
You: I doo but like it was 10 years agooo💀
I started having flashbacks about me and Juan doing something.
Gabriella: I understand it was years-
I zoned out and got a flashback to Juan teasing me. Gabriella than got up.
You: I'm sorry but what's wrong?
Gabriella: Alicia called she can't find Alexandra

Alexandra POV
I'm a 10 year old girl and I'm running around with friends and their 13, 14 and 15. I told my mama that I was at the mall at this point I know we're in LA but dont know where😳. My bestfriend, Justina, gets out the car.
Justina looks like this:

Justina looks like this:

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She is 15. She walks up to a trailer home and she goes in. My other bestfriends, Georgina and Abigail, they were a lil nervous. Georgina looks like this:

 Georgina looks like this:

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