•Chapter 64•

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Your POV: Next day
You wake up. Today was Tuesday. Gabriella was asleep in her crib. It was 9:30. Your phone lights up.
*jabez sent a message*
You unlocked your phone.
Jabez🤤: Hey baby, is your pussy sore ??
You: Kinda😣
Jabez🤤: To bad you ain't pregnant
You: I kinda wish I was...
Jabez🤤: I will make you 😈
You: Oh- 😳😂
Jabez: 🤣 sorry for making that weird but like we gonna be hanging out for 2 months right ?
You: Idgaf you can come when Alex is here fuck 🤤😂
Jabez🤤: *us has sex when Alex's home in the back bedroom* 🤣🤣
You: Wanna bet😂
Jabez🤤: Oh you bad like dat😈
You: Obviously 🏃‍♂️💨
Jabez🤤: Why 🏃‍♂️💨 ?
You: Come over please 🤪
Jabez🤤: Be there in 20
You: Yay😌
You changed into black leggings and a black sweater. You go out of your room.
Alicia: Wassup mom😣
You: What's wrong?
Alicia: my pussy hella hurts and these boys keep playing 🙄
You: That sucks
Alicia: Uhhh I have to go back to gay ass school tomorrow
You: I mean it isn't my fault u keep getting in trouble
Alicia: I know but I don't wanna deal with people
You: I'm sorry but could u watch Gabriella?
Alicia: Sure I love her so much
You: Are you lying?
Alicia: No cuz she isn't annoying like Alice 😂
You: Yeah but I think I wanna other
Alicia: Oh- 😳
You: Yeah😬
Alicia: Make it with Jabez cuz he hella fine
You: Just go watch Gabriella 🤣
Alicia walks to your room and you walk downstairs and to the front door cuz there was a knock. You open the door.
Jabez: Hey *smirks*
You: Hey 😌
Jabez walks in and slapped your ass.
You: Stop baby 😂
He hugs you and then you kiss him. Someone walks to the stairs.
Alicia: Hey-
You stop kissing Jabez.
Alicia: Ummm I will tell you later *walks fast back to Gabriella*
You: Sorry
Jabez: Where were we ?
You: Come to the back bedroom
You and Jabez walk to the bedroom. You turn on the tv and get on top of Jabez. You put on your playlist on the tv. This was playing:

Jabez was kissing your neck. He was grabbing and slapping your ass.
You: Papi🤤 *moans slightly*
Jabez un zipped your sweater. You were just in a bra. He takes the sweater off. He puts his hand on your right boob. You put his other hand down your underwear then he finger you.
You: *in his ear* yes daddy😣 *moans*
Jabez: *in your ear* cum on daddy's fingers 🤤
Your pussy tightens around his fingers. You were gonna cum. You did and Jabez licked and suck that shit right in front of you 🤤. He lays you down and kisses your stomach then takes off your leggings. He takes off your panties and starts eating your pussy 🤣😳. You moan in pleasure and he did the same as last time.
You: how do u do it daddy *moans*
Jabez was to busy destroying your pussy to answer.

(A/n: HULK SMASH🤣🤣🤣 that what came to my mind)

You cum even more.
Jabez: fuck this pussy loves me💓
You: Better than Alex 🤤
Jabez slips his dick in your pussy 🤣. Then the action hella starts. The bed was hella shaking. You barley can grab the sheets cuz how good he was doing. You were basically moaning hella loud and in pleasure.
Jabez: Damn you haven't cum yet 😈
You: im- im get-getting th-there 😫
You both cum at the same time. Damn you couldn't feel down there.
You: My pussy is weak asf😣
Jabez: I told you 😫
You: fuck you did it sooooooooooo good 🤤
You realize you could be pregnant now😳. You get on top of him and kiss all upon him. You get tired and fall asleep. And so did he.

That's the end of this chapter. Do you actually listen to the songs that I put? 🤣

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