•Chapter 50•

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Recap: He hugs back then...

Everything went black.

3 hours later
I woke up somewhere. Looney was on his phone. I saw my mom and family. I sit up. Looney looks up and hugs me. I'm confused.
You: Where am I
Y/n: Sweetheart you had a heat stroke
You: I'm ok!!
Looney: Yes you will be fine
You: I want to go home
Y/n: you can't go home
Alice: Wow don't scary me like that
Gio comes in with some water.
Gio: Hey here is some water for you
I take the water and drink it.
You: Thanks
I lay back down and fall asleep. Then th dr ran into the door. I woke up. The dr opens the door.
Dr: You are free to go
You: Fuck yay
I get up and walk to the car. Looney kisses me. I kiss back. Then I get a call.




Dropped my phone and froze. Looney picks up my phone and looks at it.
Looney: Umm why is he calling
You: i- I d-dont k-know
Looney: is-
I started running towards home. Alice, gio, and looney follow me.
alice: Stop Alicia
I kept running. Looney catches up to me and tackles me down.
I pushed him off and started running. I was almost at the house then I saw


I ran into him. We fall on the ground.

Gavin POV
Damn she is so pretty but I have a gf. I don't want her to get off of me

I get off of him. He stares at me. I run back home. Mom was already home. I go to the backyard and jump into the pool with my clothes on. Looney still had my phone. I put my head underwater and started thinking about drowning myself. Then someone jumps into the water and picks me up and puts me on the cement. I open my eyes.

It was emrick.

You: I'm fine ight
Emrick: Are you sure about that
You: Yeah I was just thinking
Emrick: It looked like you passed out under water
You: Well I'm fine
I sit up and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
Emrick: What was that for
You: Well umm idk
I get up and go inside. Emma grabs my arm.
Emma: Wtf was that
You: You saw that
Emma: I saw it all
You: It is nothing
Emma rolls her eyes and walks away.
I walk upstairs and I change and flip on to the bed. I fell asleep.

That's the end of this chapter.

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