•Chapter 30•

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The next day: Tuesday morning: Alicia POV
You wake up. It is 7:00 AM. You get up. You changed into this:

 You changed into this:

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Looney wakes up. Looney changed into this:

 Looney changed into this:

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You curled your hair. You grabbed your backpack. You walk downstairs with looney. Looney kisses you. You kiss back. You guys walk to school.
Looney: You know that you're beautiful
You: Thanks
Looney: I love you
You: I love you more
Looney: No I love you more
You: No I love you more
Halia: You both like each other 🙄😂
Halia and Keilly followed us.
You: So how is everything?
Halia: today is a month in Hryson
You: Congratulations
Looney: Yeah congrats
Keilly: Must be nice😭
Keilly looks at the ground.
You: Keilly is there something wrong?
Keilly looks up with tears in her eyes.
You: What's wrong?
Keilly: W-we broke up
You: Oh! I'm so sorry
Halia: Bestfriend it we be ok! You will find someone!!
You: We dont need boys
Looney: You know I'm right here
You kissed him. He kisses back.
Keilly: You guys are right
You arrive at school. You go to where the group stands. You guys walk up. Bryson was there with gavin, nico, zach, Mack and diahnte. Halia kissed Bryson. Bryson kissed back.
You: Bryson!! There is single ppl here
Bryson: Alright I will stop
You walk to Keilly. You stand next to her. You hug her. She hugs back. She whispered in your ear.
Keilly: Alicia, gavin is staring and gavin is cute
You still hug her. Nico stares at Keilly. You and Keilly walked around. Keilly was uncomfortable there.
You: Why did you break up?
Keilly: He said that I wasn't hanging out enough and that I wasn't loving him enough and nico likes me and that I have feelings for nico and more dumb shit
You: I'm sorry
Keilly: I kinda didn't want diahnte that much
You: Well let me know if you want anything
The bell rings. You go to ELA. You and Keilly had that class and so did looney.

Skipping to after school
You walk out of art. You meet up with Halia and Keilly.
You: Hey babes
Halia: Hey
Keilly: Hi
You: So what happened?
Halia: umm nothing much
Keilly: Diahnte is trying to get back together
You: You don't need-
Looney picks you up. He spins you around. You kiss him. He kisses back. You want to get down but looney won't let go.
You: Babe let me down please
Looney: Ok baby girl
He puts you down. You giggle. You guys walk home. You and looney then arrived home. You walk inside. You go to your bedroom. You do your homework. So does looney.

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