•Chapter 24•

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They take us to the hospital. You were holding looney hand. Then we arrived at the hospital. You followed them. Then they ran into a door.
Lady: Sorry you cant come
You: Please I'm his girlfriend
Lady: Sorry he is going into surgery
You started crying more. Then mom comes to the hospital and into the waiting room.

Your POV
you get a call from Alicia.
Alicia: OMG!! HE WAS SHOT (in a scared tone)
You: Who??
Alicia: Looney!!! Come to the hospital
You hang up. You grabbed the car keys.
You: Tanner I'm sorry I have to go to the hospital
You put on your clothes. (You and Tanner fucked) tanner kisses you. You kiss back. You ran to your car. Tanner gets in with you. You drive away. An hour later, you arrived at the hospital.  You sit next Alicia.
Alicia: I'm scared.
You: Wtf happened
Alicia: It happened so fast.
You grabbed her hand. Her eyes were like this:

She took a photo and post it on Instagram

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She took a photo and post it on Instagram. Her caption was looney was shot. We are in the hospital. I hoping my babe isn't gonna die. Wrong place at wrong time. It was going good until that happened. I love him. Ilhsfm❤💍😍. She started crying even more. You hold her. Then a lady comes out.
Lady: Luis and Bryson made it.
You: Can we see them?
Lady: Not right now. They asleep.
You: Can we go to the room at least
Lady: Yes
We follow the lady. We sit next to looney. Alicia grabs his hand. You got a phone call.
You: Jesse this isnt a good time
Jesse: Baby girl I miss you
You: Sorry gtg
Jesse: o-
You hang up the phone. You then text Alice.
You: Hey Alice we are at the hospital
Alice💗: For what?
You: Looney got shot
Alice💗: God damn
You: Yeah we at the hospital
Then Alicia went up to Bryson. She kissed him on the forehead. She comes back over here and kisses looney on the lips.

Alicia POV
I was kissing looney. Then his lips started moving. His hand through my hair then my cheeks. I stopped kissing.  His eyes were open. I hugged him.
Looney: I love you Alicia
You: I love you too
You kissed his forehead. He hold your hand. Alex and Carlos walk in the room.
Alex: Looney are you ok?
Looney: Yeah
Carlos: What happened
Looney: I was shot by a gang
Alex kissed you on the head. You look at him.
You: You know I'm Alicia right
Alex: Yeah
Looney holds your hand.

Your POV
Alex comes to me.
Alex whispered in my ear: I want to talk to you
You nodded. You and Alex walked out of the room. You guys were in the hallway.
You: What?
Alex: Dont be like that
He moves the hair out of your face and smiles
You: OMG!! you got your braces off
Alex: Yes
You hugged him. He hugged you.
Alex: I want to talk at your house
You: Alright
Alex looks in your eyes. He grabs your hand. You follow him.  He takes you out of the hospital. He takes you to your car. He leaned on the car. You walk up to him. He kisses you. You kissed back. Then he breaks the kiss. We look into eachother eyes. We started making out. You jump up and he catches you. You wrap your legs around him. We were still kissing. Your tongue enter his mouth. Then his tongue went in your mouth. You then got down from him. You were in a good mood. You kissed him again. He kisses back.
Alex: I miss you
You: Alex I do too
Alex: Come on. Let me be your boyfriend
You: Jesse and I are dating but that is fine
Jesse calls you. You answer
Jesse: Babe I think we need to break up
You: awww why?
Jesse: baby girl we can be friends
You: ok
You hanged up the phone.
You: Alex you're mine
Alex hugs you. You guys kiss for 23 seconds. Alicia walked outside.
Alicia: MOM!!
You stopped kissing Alex. You look at her.
Alicia: what about dad?
You: We just broke up
Alicia: oh
She walks back inside. You looked at Alex.
Alex: So let me take you home.
Tanner walks outside.
Tanner: I'm dipping
You: Alright bye bestfriend
Tanner: bye
Alicia and looney come outside.
You: Are they letting him go?
Alicia: yup
Alex hugs you. You hug him.
Alex: imma drive to your place when I'm done with Carlos
You giggled. Alex kissed you on the cheek. He slapped your ass and walked away.
You: Come on children
Alicia and looney get in the car and so did you. You drive away. Alicia and looney were making out.
You: Hello?
Alicia kept kissing him. Looney breaks the kissing.
Looney: Sorry
Alicia: You do it all the time
You: But doesn't mean I want to hear you guys making out
Alicia gets on her phone and so does looney. You then get home. You went upstairs and fell asleep.

That is the end of this chapter.

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