•Chapter 37•

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Tuesday morning: 10:28 AM: your POV
You were already awake. You and Alex were making out.
You: Alex why are you so attractive
Alex: Damn babygirl you're thirsty
You: Alex kept kissing me
Alex kisses your neck aggressively. You moan a little. The kids are at school. Alex leaves hickeys on your neck. You get up and change into this:

 You get up and change into this:

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Alex stares at you.
You: Yes??
Alex: Damn babygirl you're attractive
You: Thanks
Alex always says nice things about you. You and Alex go downstairs. You go to your car. Alex comes with. Alex is going to pick up Carlos. You go with. You guys then arrived at Carlos house. You sat next to Alex cause he was driving. Carlos sat in the back. You started playing this:

Alex & Carlos & you were jamming out to the music.
Alex: I want Chick-fli-A
You: Same
Carlos: I'm ok with that
You all go to Chick-fli-a. You all order the same thing as Alex. You all eat. Alex was eating and driving. Carlos kept staring at you. Alex sees him staring. Alex kisses you. You kiss back. Carlos was jealous.
You: So Carlos
Carlos smiles
You: Do you like someone?
Carlos: Yeah
Alex: damn
You get a text from Carlos
Carlos🖤: I like you
You: Sorry I'm getting married
Carlos🖤: Alright
You put your phone away.
Carlos: I like dess
You: Awww cute
Alex: You told me you like y/n then you say you like dess?
Carlos: You're my bestfriend I wouldn't do that 2 u
Alex smiles. We then arrived at the house. You guys go inside and watch a scary movie. When you got scared you would jump into Alex's arms. Alex would just hold you tight. Carlos would get jealous. You thought of this song because he would get jealous:

When the movie was done. You and alex went upstairs and cuddled. You fell asleep in his arms.

6:00 PM
you wake up. Alex was gone. Carlos was next to you. You shake him to wake up.
Carlos: bbg stop
You: Where is ALEX?!
You look on the floor and there he was asleep. You wake him up. You notice that he was naked and so were you and so was Carlos. You screamed.
Carlos & Alex: What's wrong
You: What did you guys do to me?
Alex & Carlos smirked
You: You got to be kidding me
Carlos: I use a condom
Alex: I didn't
You put on your clothes.
Alex: Chill it a prank
Carlos and alex pointed to the camera. Alex started laughing. You slapped them playfully.
You: Ok well I'm going back to bed.
Alex & carlos: Ok we will be downstairs
You: Ok
You lay down and fell asleep.

11:10 PM
You wake up. Alex was on his phone. You got on snapchat. You did 11:11 PM. You put alex as your 11:11. You went to the bathroom. You throw up. Alex was on the bed still. He was shirtless. You take off your sweats and sweater shirt. You were in your bra and underwear now. You got on top of Alex. You gave him hickeys. You guys cuddled up. You fell asleep on alex.

That's the end of the chapter.

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