•Chapter 23•

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The next day: Saturday morning, 9:30 AM: Your POV
You wake up. You get dressed into this:

 You get dressed into this:

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You walk down the hallway

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You walk down the hallway. Alice comes out of her room with Diego.
You: Why are you here?
You: Sorry
Alice walks downstairs with Diego. Jesse comes behind you and kisses your neck.
You: jesseeeeee (you moaned)
Jesse picks you up. He takes into your room.
You: Jesse
Jesse lays you down. He is shirtless. You thinking you were catching feelings for 3 boys. You touched his chest. Jesse kisses your neck.
You: Daddyyyyy (you moaned)
You pushed him off. You get up. He grabs your waist and pulls you back. You felt his member. It was hard. You walked away.
Jesse: Aren't you going to help?
You: in a few
You walked down the hallway. Alicia comes out of her room, wearing this:

 Alicia comes out of her room, wearing this:

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Alicia looks at you

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Alicia looks at you.
Alicia: Going out
You: Have fun
Tanner texts you.
Tanner❤: Hey babygirl
You: Let me come over
Tanner❤: Sure
End of chat.
Jesse comes downstairs.
Jesse: Come on
You: Fine
Jesse picks you up. He run upstairs with you in his arms. He throws you on the bed. You guys get undressed. Y'all fucked.

Alicia POV
You walk out of the house. Looney was outside your house.
Looney: We are meeting up with the gang
You: Alright
You were walking with looney. You walk to the west side with looney.  You see Bryson and the gang. You walk up to him. Bryson was smoking weed.
You: Hey Bryson
Bryson: Monica!
Nico looks at you up and down.
You: Let me drop it for ya
You drop it like it hot and sexually. Nico bites his lip. Nico smokes some weed. Gavin walks up to you guys.
Bryson: Alright Gavin
Gavin walks up to Bryson.
Bryson: First of all you need to fight someone
Gavin: all right
Gavin walks up to Zach. They started fighting. Zach obviously won.
Bryson: Alright Gavin. You kinda won
Gavin walks up to Bryson.
Bryson: You need to fire a gun
Bryson pulls out a pistol. Gavin takes the gun. Bryson showed him how to fire it. Gavin fire it at a tree.
Bryson: Gavin kiss a girl
There was Mack, Halia, Keilly and me. Gavin walks up to you. He pulls me close. Our lips meet. His tongue enter my mouth. He breaks the kiss.
Bryson: Monica alright
Gavin walks to Bryson.
Bryson: Gavin you're in the gang
Gavin: Alright
Looney pulls you close. Our lips meet.
Bryson: Alright then...
We stop kissing.
Halia: Alicia chill
Bryson: Alright we all met up for a reason! Sooooo today we are just walking the streets.
You: Ok
We all started walking. We then walk into a street. There were 5 boys standing there leaning on a fence. Bryson walks up to them.
Bryson: Timmy?!
Everyone walks up to Bryson.
Timmy: Bryson Miller?
Bryson: Wassup timmy
They handshake. One pulls out a gun.
Timmy: Jacob chill. I know him.
Diahnte: Who the fuck are they?
Bryson: This is Timmy West.
( Timmy west is African American, he is 14, He is in a west side gang. Him and Bryson are friends)
Timmy: This is Jocab Wright.
(Jocab Wright is mexican, he is 16, he is in Timmy's gang)
You: bryson?
Bryson: Monica?
You: Nevermind
Timmy: Bryson is that your girlfriend?
You: Nooooo I'm looneys
Looney grabs you. Someone walks up with a rottweiler.
????: Bryson Miller?
Bryson: Franklin Clinton?
Franklin: Well what are you doing here?
Bryson: Checking the streets
Franklin: Be careful. Red is tryna strike
Bryson: Alright I will be ok.
You walk up to the dog. The dog licks you.
Bryson: Anyways Franklin what is the dog name?
Franklin: Chop
Then all of sudden gun shots go off. You ran some where. You're were trying to focus. You then focus. Bryson was shot and so was looney. You called 911.
911: What is your emergency?
You: 2 boys have been shot
911: What is your name?
You: Alicia Underhill
911: What is your address?
You: 234 hill road
911: 911 is on the way!!
You ran up to looney. You started crying.
You: Looney I love you. I wish it was me!! Not you!! I dont want to lose you.
Everyone was okay. You grabbed looney hand. The ambulance came and pick them up.

To be continued

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