•Chapter 4•

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The next day
You wake up. You get up and walk down the hallway. Kids still asleep. You walk downstairs. Boys still asleep. You are making food. Then everyone woke up. Justin came in downstairs. Jackson came downstairs and fell downstairs. Jesse came downstairs sexy and in a good mood. He kisses you. You were done making breakfast. Alicia comes downstairs and wearing a rainbow tube top with white booty shorts and white converses.
You: Oh hell no
Alicia: You let Alice wear stuff like this
You: Yeah cause she is old enough
You hear a knock on the front door. Alicia goes to the door. There was a boy. He was wearing black ripped jeans and a maroon Thrashers tshirt. You go up to the door.
You: Hi, I'm your y/n
Luis: Hi I'm Luis or looney
You: Have fun guys
Alicia: Yeah we will
You close the door. You finish eating. You walk upstairs and change into a pink crop top with white booty shorts and slides. You walk downstairs. The boys were chilling. You hear a knock on the door. You open it. Alice pushes you out of the way.
Danielle: Hey bestfriend
Alice: Hey bestfriend
They hugged
Alice: Me and Danielle are going to the mall! Bye
You: Bye
You slammed the door. Then they was a knock on the door. You opened it. It was Tanner.
You: Hey, come in
Tanner walks inside. You hug him. He hugs you back. Jesse was staring at you. You go over were all them be at. You hug Alex. Alex hugs you. You sit down next to Jesse. Tanner sits next to Alex.
You: So how is you and Devyn?
Alex: Ummmm we broke up a few months ago
You: I'm so sorry alex
Alex: It is ok (he is trying to hold back the tears)
You get up and kiss his cheek. Jesse signal you to come over here. You go to jesse. You sit next to him.
Carlos: Me and britney aren't dating
You: Wasnt she pregnant?
Carlos: Yeah but she left me
You: Awww Carlos
You hug Carlos. Carlos hugs you back.
You: Jesse you okay?
Jesse: Yeah
Sebastian: I'm still single!!
Justin: I will find you a chick
Jackson: I thought you call them bitches
Jesse: Chill
You get up and run to the bedroom. You get into the bedroom. You slammed the door. Some one knocks on the door.
You: what do you want?
Tanner opens the door.
You: Come on in
Tanner: I'm sorry
You: You it not your fault
You hugged tanner. You kissed him on the lips. He kisses back. You lay him on the bed. You get on top of him. Tanner smirks. You kiss him. He kisses back.
Tanner: What are you waiting for?
You: I don't know
You got off of him. Tanner looks at you.
You: I'm...
Tanner: Bestfriend tell me
You: I'm pregnant
Tanner kisses you on the cheek. You look at him. Tanner holds your hand. You kiss him. You hear a knock on the door. You let go of Tanners hand.
You: It is open
Jesse walks into the room.
Jesse: Can I talk to you alone
You: Sure
Tanner leaves the room
You: What is up?
Jesse comes and sit down next to you.
Jesse: What is going on between you and tanner
You: We are friends
Jesse looks at you.
Jesse: You wanna go to the movies with everyone
You: No I feel better here
Jesse: Ok
Jesse kisses you. You kiss him. He grabs your ass. Then you guys stopped kissing.
You: Bye
Jesse: Bye babygirl
Jesse walks out of the room. Tanner comes back into the room. You smile. He smiles. You kiss him.
You: let's go downstairs
Tanner: Ok
You guys go downstairs. You sit on the couch. Tanner sits next to you.
You: So umm how long have you liked me
Tanner: Ummm a year now
You get on top of him
Tanner: Damn😍❤😏
You kiss him and he kisses back. You hear someone outside. You get off of Tanner. Alicia walks inside with Luis.
You: Where are you going?
Alicia: We are just trying watch a movie in my room
You look at them. They go upstairs and shut the door...

To be continued😬😏

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