•Chapter 62•

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BLUEFACE BABY: continues
Jabez leaves.... Alex locks the door. You get up and run to the stairs where the garage is at. You run up them.
Alex: COME HERE!!!
Alicia comes out of her bedroom.
Alicia: Stfu Alex or else I will call the cops again
You: Yeah Alex stop being a dick you fag😌
Alex wasn't very happy. You flip him off. Alicia slammed her door. You hear Gabriella crying. Alice goes to her. Alex is running after you and your running to the stairs where the front door was. You run down them and out the front door. Alex locks you out.
You: *in your mind* way to go Y/n 🙄
You run to the side and to the back door it was open but you didn't see Alex. You open it and BOOM.....

Alex's pushes you on to the couch. He gets on top of you. You started crying.
You: Alex Guzman stop *cries*
Alex: *in your ear* I think you need to be put in your place 😈
You: No *cries*
You hear footsteps coming from upstairs and downstairs hall. Alex did hear because he was taking off your clothes. You push him, hit him, pull him by the hair to make him stop but he wouldn't. You were numb at this point. Alex was fingering you. It hurt so bad.
Alex: *in your ear* come on babygirl cum on daddy's fingers
You: *moans in pain* it hurts 😣
Alex: *in yo ear* Daddy is making the pain go away😈
You: *moaning in pain still crying* no your not 😭😭😭
Alex: oh it is getting tighter. Cum babygirl cum😫
You: ima- *cums but also with blood*
Alex: What the hell!
Alice: Alexander I just got all of that on camera
Alex chase after Alice
Alice: EW HIS DICK IS OUT !😳 *screams down the hall*
You starts laughing but it hurt. You get up and fall.
Alicia: Mom
She gets a blanket and covers you. She trys picking you up. You could feel a little of your legs. You and her get to the couch. Then SLAM

Alice slammed her door on Alex. Alex comes downstairs. He stands right in front of you. His dick all up in your face.
You: Can u move!!!
Alex handcuffed Alicia to you.
Alicia: Oh no....
Alex: Finger her
Alicia: Wait she f-
You: Wtf she is my daughter
Alex: *in yo ear* Do it or else
Alex takes off Alicia clothes. Alex goes in her ear.
Alicia: You disgust me 🙄
Alex: *in yo ear* Damn Alicia gotta tight ass pussy 😫
Alex get Alicia in the position to get ate out. The worst part is yall handcuffed and this is in the living room and just age difference and you have to see and watch. Alex puts his tongue in her pussy.
Alicia: *moans* Alexxx *moans*
You: I don't wanna watch this
You kinda had too🙄😳.
Alicia: *moans* Yes daddy *moans*
He puts his tongue in different places in her pussy. She cums. Alex licked it all up. Alex goes in her ear.
Alicia: Damn that tongue did me so good 😫
You: you almost done with her?
Alex starts messing with her boobs.
Alex: damn your hot for a 15 year old
Alicia: come on do sum more to me
You: Alicia !!!!
Alex: Y/n she can't help that she got good eating out
You: u disgusting
Alex: damn babygirl you want sum of my dick?
Alicia: Ngl I have always
Alex: *smirks* mmmhmmm sum more pussy
You: daddy don't do it 😫
Alex: come on bby your daughter wants it so I have to please her 🤤
Alicia: Alex my pussy is waiting
Alex: fuck yea
He puts the condom on and slides it in.
Alicia: mom now I know why u always got it from him *moans*
Alex: *in her ear* I got this pussy now 😣🤤
Alicia: daddy harder * moans*
You itch your vagina😂😂. Alex puts out of her pussy.
Alex: Sorry babygirl but this is wrong
Alicia: I didn't like it anyways🙄
He un handcuffed us and you run up stairs and into your bedroom.

1 hour later

You go downstairs and see Alex was gone you saw a note on the table.
The note: hahahaha I'm coming back here in 2 months don't miss me that much. Your safe now Y/n. Jabez cant protect you the whole time. Yes, I know about you and him kissing cuz your a whore and you always catch feelings for one of my friends easily. Just waiting until I come back and there you go. I love you babygirl and have a safe 2 months. Xoxoxsexo Alex

Ps Alicia pussy was hella tight and it was fun doing what I did to both of yall.
You: Ew 😳 EXCUSE ME but bitch ain't a whore tf. Jabez is gonna be my new daddy Alex just watch cuz you got Stephanie 🙄😂
You leave the note on the table. You go to the bedroom and take care of Gabriella and on to sleep.

That is the end of this chapter.😬

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