•Chapter 55•

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Week later: First day of school
You wake up. The kids were obviously wake cause it was the first day of school. You go downstairs to the kids run all over the house.
Alicia: MOVE
Alice: Shhh your gonna walk up Alison
the kids stop and got dressed and did their thing then they left to school.

Justin POV
Finally school. I can see my girlfriend and play sports. Hmm but damn I wonder if my girlfriend has changed.

Jackson POV
Why doesn't my penis grow anymore

Alice POV
It is hard to leave Alison for school but that is okay. Ugh I hate waiting for the bus!
You: who is bored?
Alicia: Me
Looney: Me
Justin and Jackson: Me
The bus then arrived to our house. We get on. I was wearing this:

I sit down in the very back

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I sit down in the very back. Every boy was staring at me. Me and Gio are still dating but he isn't in high school anymore. I wish he was here so we can do some things 🤪🤤.  12th grade here I come.

Alicia POV
I sit in the back with looney. We start making out. I was wearing this:

We make out until we got to school

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We make out until we got to school. We got off the bus and into high school. Me and looney met up with our friends.
Keilly: Heyyy
You: Heyy
Looney: Hmm why did you get perfect
You: Babe stop it💗
Carlos: Hey looney
The bell rings. I go to my first period and I had my schedule out. It was science. I walked into the class. I sit down then Carlos Nunez, Looney, Omar, keilly, Brianna, and Halia walk into the class. Me and Halia still hate eachother. Carlos Nunez looks like this:

 Carlos Nunez looks like this:

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Omar looks like this:

Brianna looks like this:

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Brianna looks like this:

Then some girl walks into the class

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Then some girl walks into the class. Carlos Nunez and Omar bit their lips.
You: Who is she? 🤨
Brianna: she is pretty
I hit Brianna on the arm. Looney was looking at her and she was looking at him. I slam my lips into his. The girl looks the other way.
Looney: What was that for?
You: She was checking you out.
Omar: I think her name is Jazlyn
The girl looked like this:

 Omar: I think her name is JazlynThe girl looked like this:

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She comes over to my table.
???: Hey I'm Jazlyn
You: And I'm Alicia
Jazlyn: Wait are you related to Alice?
You: Yeah got a problem
Looney: Come down
Jazlyn: Wanna be friends
Brianna: Yea
Keilly: Ofc
Omar: Fuck she is fine
We stare at Omar.
Carlos: Nice going
Jazlyn: You can call me jaz and here is my number
She gives us her number. The teacher walks in she runs back to her sit.

After school: Alicia POV
It was awkward today. Looney was only in my 1st period. Jazlyn was every class I had. P.E was very bad because she was talking to halia about me. Then Jazlyn was being werid towards me. We talked about what halia said. Jazlyn hates her now😂😁. I got on the bus and Jazlyn rides the bus too. We sat together. We started talking about anything really. Then it was out stop. Jazlyn gets off the bus too.
You: Where do you live
Jazlyn: right here
She pointed to the house next to ours.
You: Omg we are neighbors

Your POV
The kids were home. Gabriella was asleep and Alex went to go to in and out. Alex's mom and Emma and Emrick left today so the house was kinda quiet. You go to the living room and see that everyone is doing their homework.
You: Wow homework on the first day
Alicia: Yes🙄
Alice: Yeah it is dumb
You walked away and into your bedroom with Gabriella. You have been inactive on Instagram and YouTube. You take a picture of the view of the swimming pool and post it on snapchat. Alex comes home with food and everyone eats. Then you go to sleep.

That is the end of this chapter.

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