•Chapter 52•

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Alex's comes home: Your POV
You wake up. You were still sleepy so you fall back asleep. You wake up to a loud noise. You sit up. Then you hear a glass shatter. You look at the time. It was 5:00 AM. You get up slowly. The baby sounded asleep. You walk slowly to your dresser. You open the top drawer. You look for it. You found it. You picked up a gun. You load it. You walk to the door, you hear footsteps coming up the stairs. You starting thinking about the kids. You open the door slowly. You point the gun out the door. You see the mirror and you see a tall figure. Then...


The glass mirror shattered. Then doors open. You open your door with the gun pointing towards the person.
????: don't move
You put your finger on the trigger.
Alice: Pull the fucking trigger
Then a gun goes off. It wasn't yours. It misses Alice and the bullet goes into the wall. Alice throws a vase and it breaks on the person. You run to the person and kick them. You kick the gun away. Alicia was on the phone with 911 while this is going on. You pull off the ski mask. It was...


You push him down the stairs. You see the broken glass door. Then the police opened the door. They take jesse away. You shut the front door. You go upstairs and change into this:

You got on the phone with someone who can fix glass

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You got on the phone with someone who can fix glass. The glass door was $210 to fix. They were coming in a hour. You go to check on Gabriella. She was still asleep. You kiss her on her head. You get a knock on the door.
You open the door. It was Alicia
Alicia: Are we safe?
You: Yes
Alicia: Mom I wanna move houses
You: i-
Alicia just stares at you with water in her eyes.
You: Alicia we will be safe!!
Alicia: But he broke-
You: I'm fixing the-
Alicia stomps out of your room. You start crying. You walk up to Gabriella and kiss her forehead. She opens her eyes and her tiny hand touches your face.
You: I love you
You stop crying. You call the glass shop and tells them to cancel the appointment. You start looking for a house online. You find this one:

It was $20,000 dollars. You call the owner. The owner picks up the phone.
You: Hi, um I saw this house and it says calls this number.
The owner: Hi This is the owner of this house but uh what house.
You: 210 oak ridge road house
The owner: Yes ma'am that house is beautiful. 8 bedrooms and 8 bathrooms with swimming pool and hot tub. It is up for 20,000 dollars.
You: It is beautiful and can I buy it
The owner: OMG! finally someone buys it. Meet me at the house in 30 mins.
You: Ok thanks but I didn't get your name
The owner: Lily
You: Ok lily my name is Y/n
Lily: Ok bye
She hangs up. You run out of your room. You run down the hall.
You: PACK YOUR SHIT WE ARE MOVING! But get dressed first.
They all open their doors. They were dressed. Alex's mom and emrick and Emma were dressed too. Yall got in a car. You put Gabriella in her car sit. You get in the driver sit and starts driving.

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